Example sentences of "[noun] 's [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The British also had financial interests , were the principal users of the canal , and remembered Napoleon 's threat to India .
2 They had finished in 1815 , with Napoleon 's banishment to St Helena .
3 HISTORY tells us that a large part of Napoleon 's attraction to Josephine pertained to smell .
4 In one place Shakespeare stretches the hypocrite 's resourcefulness to the limits , when an aside about the wisdom of the young Prince meant only for the audience — ‘ So wise , so young , they say do never live long ’ — is overheard by the Prince himself — ‘ What say you uncle ? ’ — forcing Richard to improvise brilliantly : But this superiority of wit places the audience in any uneasy position : if we laugh with the deceiver we could share his dehumanizing of the dupe .
5 But over the past year the Conservative Association 's contrubtion to party coffers was precisely nothing .
6 But over the past year the Conservative Association 's contrubtion to party coffers was precisely nothing .
7 Central Council thanks all those Branches and individuals who worked so hard to ensure that the Association 's contribution to this Appeal was so substantial .
8 Many Bank Assistant members who saw the Association 's Submission to the Labour Court commented that it contained a case which was irresistible .
9 The grounds for the action were specified in the Library Association 's statement to the local authorities in 1986 , and such legal action was obviously contemplated by the Library Association .
10 If we were to take the Ramblers Association 's argument to its logical conclusion , every train on the east coast main line would be preceded by a man on foot , carrying a red flag , in case someone wanted to walk in front of the train .
11 On Dr Spencer 's application to the FPC for consent to use the deputising service , the committee agreed to renew consent subject to the condition which involved a limit of 15 calls per thousand patients per month .
12 8 ) , ever since the end of the eighteenth century most of the movements of social criticism have been based upon a theory of society ; and on the other side , every major social theory which attempts to provide a new intellectual framework for understanding political life embodies at the same time a particular orientation to the important political issues of the age , whether in the form of Marx 's allegiance to the working-class movement , Max Weber 's identification with the German bourgeoisie and nationalism , or Durkheim 's commitment to the ideas of the Third Republic in France .
13 The horse 's response to being dragged to water takes the form of a typical pre-linguistic prototype of human choice .
14 Very often , a horse 's resistance to infection can be weakened by the constant pressure exerted during training , competition or hunting .
15 However , such treatment does nothing to alleviate the causes of such a bad habit , and no doubt increases the horse 's anxiety to even higher levels .
16 The grey is trained by the rider 's mother Angela , who attributed the horse 's fitness to working on ‘ the only hill in Cambridge ’ on Val Banks 's land at Harlton .
17 Gibraltar was discussed in talks between the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd and the Spanish Foreign Minister Francisco Fernández Ordóñez in London on Feb. 12 , 1991 , and again during Spanish Prime Minister Felipe González Márquez 's visit to London in May 1991 [ see p. 38201 ] .
18 Also dealing with the early nineteenth century , British Journey : Karl Friedrich Schinkel edited by David Bindman and Gottfried Riemann , studies the great German architect/designer 's visit to England and Scotland in 1826 as recorded in his important journal .
19 ‘ Not surprisingly , the committee was not impressed with the DoH 's response to local authorities ’ concerns ’ , Harris said .
20 As George Graham indicated upon his side 's accession to the title , they would need more composure and sophistication to match Liverpool in the longer term .
21 Newport9 Bridgend4 AN EXCELLENT display by Newport 's pack , the highlight being Kevin Moseley 's line-out work , starved Bridgend of possession at Rodney Parade and cleared the home side 's path to the Schweppes semi-finals .
22 Lothar 's supporter Angelbert who wrote a lament over the fallen , may have had Bernard in mind when he attributed his own side 's defeat to the last-minute defection of certain " commanders " .
23 It seems , once again , that Sussex are the last in the queue , yet not the least indelible of the summer 's memories will be Franklyn Stephenson 's contribution to that win over Durham at Horsham .
24 However , the extent to which products like PageMaker , Ventura , Harvard Professional Publisher or Ready , Set , Go will impact on a dealership 's day to day customers is not at all clear .
25 A problem that arises in the Timor Gap case is that , although the circumstances of Indonesia 's invasion of East Timor in December 1975 are well known , there has been no authoritative judicial determination of its illegality , or of the legitimacy of Portugal 's claim to be the continuing administering authority .
26 The report referred to " the failure , negligence , complacency and indifference noted on all levels of the services that had planned the visit [ Boudiaf 's visit to Annaba ] , organized its schedule and guaranteed the security of the President " .
27 Grätzel has turned this precise , and expensive , physicist 's approach to solar energy conversion on its head .
28 Further to Neil 's Memo to you of the 24th June , I am sorry to say that Newport Borough Council came back to us saying that they could not meet with us on Friday 24th July after all .
29 Mitterrand 's visit to Soviet Union
30 French President François Mitterrand 's visit to Israel and Jordan in late November demonstrated the French government 's desire to increase its involvement in the peace process .
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