Example sentences of "[noun] at his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That is , he had tumour elsewhere in the bladder at his three month cystoscopy , and no patient has died of bladder cancer from these hundred and forty one patients .
2 Penry stretched out his long legs to glower at his battered espadrilles .
3 No , he was n't — one glance at his chilling expression convinced her of that .
4 Harry could have listened to this man for hours on end simply reading the telephone directory , yet one glance at his absurd and dishevelled appearance would instantly have broken the trance .
5 One can not leave Wordsworth 's religion without a glance at his final years .
6 As for the withdrawal from the battlefield of Robert Bossu , that restless , conscientious , subtle and efficient man , it was a model of consideration and tact , as always , with a quiet word to Abbot Radulfus , and a sharp glance at his two squires , who understood him at the lift of an eyebrow or the flash of a smile .
7 Fernando 's eyes were cold and expressionless once the horror and surprise had faded and as Ruth made pointless reminiscent remarks in a voice that was barely her own she saw him take a worried sidelong glance at his beautiful companion .
8 Damian sat opposite her , and every glance at his tough face only underlined her rash promise to her .
9 When , in a voice that is neither , he sings ‘ My arms were sure and strong ’ , a glance at his thin arms and meagre frame brings you dangerously close to a belly-laugh . ’
10 Freddie had managed to get into the hall by now , although even here his hostess had contrived to place her formidable bulk before the front door , her expression revealing , only too plainly , her disappointment at his early departure and her failure at not having conducted the evening more to her advantage .
11 It was after Frank Hoddinott joined us in 1923 that Palace fans ( all too briefly ) saw Whitworth at his best .
12 Shallot at his best , the born story-teller !
13 So he hired a lorry , bribed the demolition men to let him cart away the finest doorcases , moulded corner cupboards , cornices and chimney pieces and stored them in a London County Council Historic Buildings warehouse at his own expense .
14 The male has an extra pair of legs at his front end , called ovigerous legs .
15 Detectives say Spiro , 46 , had calmly walked from bedroom to bedroom at his rented home near San Diego and killed his family ‘ execution-style ’ .
16 No , Professor X , Pound does not say that Landor , or Landor at his best , is better than Keats ; and no , sir , he does not say that Chaucer is better than Milton .
17 Steve Pyle greeted Laing with an attempt at his usual geniality .
18 He calculated that he would be able to meet all his daily and official duties if he devoted his entire time to them , and abandoned any attempt at his own writing , but this he was determined not to do .
19 ‘ Bob is a marvellous writer ! ’ said Dyson , his voice almost breaking with emotion at his own generosity .
20 Leeds boss Doug Laughton moved in quickly for the 31-year-old former Test forward after he was listed at £20,000 at his own request .
21 Leeds boss Doug Laughton moved in quickly for the 31-year-old former Test forward after he was listed at £20,000 at his own request .
22 Aaron and McGuire ( 1970 ) derived from assumptions about individual utility functions and the procedure determining public goods supply an explicit allocation formula , which values the ith person 's consumption of the public good at his marginal rate of substitution between the public good and income ( using the conditions for the optimum supply of the public good discussed in Lecture 16 ) .
23 Nearer home , he is a stalwart of the chess club at his present school , Yarm School junior department , and he plays for Stokesley in the senior division of the chess league .
24 Her brief confusion at his sudden rejection of her had evaporated ; now she could see things very clearly indeed , and the hot flush of embarrassment washed over her .
25 Her face clouded over in confusion at his curt tone , and another set of emotions rioted through him .
26 More details have come to light about AT&T Microelectronics ‘ Hobbit ’ RISC chip : last we heard ( UX No 372 ) the hairy-footed little creature was being used by ex-Sun man Bernie La Croute at his pen-driven computer start-up Eo Corp .
27 It may however be noted that the immunity against judicial interrogation is no longer as complete as it was , for the abolition by the Criminal Evidence Act 1898 of the rule that an accused was not even a competent witness at his own trial opened up the possibility that if he did give evidence he would expose himself to questioning by counsel for the prosecution and in appropriate circumstances by the judge himself ; and his privilege against self-incrimination whilst giving evidence was expressly removed by section 1 ( e ) of the Act of 1898 .
28 The meteorology men told him his wind strengths at his chosen altitude of 50,000 feet , and he worked out he would make it in 5.4 hours flying at Mach .
29 The jibes of the kids at his scattered schools , which he attended sometimes for a token day or two to throw a sop to the government , struck him as neither here nor there .
30 ‘ Too much wanking , ’ said Mike Waterlane , going bright pink at his own daring .
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