Example sentences of "[noun] at [noun] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 We have to face the fact that there is a bigger risk of nuclear proliferation at present than the world has ever known .
2 Paul , 23 , wrote and proposed to 19-year-old Gillian Spencer at Christmas while he was on a six-month tour of duty with the UN .
3 Charlie Brooks vowed never to run another horse at Taunton after the stewards took no action following an incident involving his runner Roscoe Harvey .
4 Then when he took to chasing he produced one of the best performance by an Irish horse at Cheltenham when going down narrowly to Garrison Savannah in the 1990 Sun Alliance Novices Chase — and Garrison Savannah the following won the Gold Cup and finished second in the National .
5 Your Batfish may swim on its side at night because it has lost orientation with the tank 's bottom , or it may be an instinctive camouflaging technique .
6 Give me a ring at work if you like ( )
7 He is described on his monument at Wollaton as ‘ architector and survayor unto the most worthy house of Wollaton , and diverse others of great account ’ ; this is the first known occasion on which he was called an architect , a term and function then still only in embryo in England .
8 Her bedroom was as unlike her bedroom at Bewick as it could be .
9 One or two layers would be in space — first shooting at missiles as they left the atmosphere and then shooting at re-entry vehicles as they travel through space .
10 It is quite an investment at £599 so you would want to get the most out of it .
11 But both interpretations would see this attempt at escape as misguided .
12 The clowning begins right from the start , with him snatching up the Sony the minute it 's on the table , talking into it conspiratorially for the next hour in his trademark , Looney Toons drawl , playing dumb , hijacking questions and spinning them into semantic hyperspace , treating any attempt at conversation as one big word association game ( ’ No , I 'm not a geek ; I 'm a geek orthodox ’ ) .
13 " I find it is the only thing which will keep the cafard at bay when I 'm alone .
14 I was no good at rugby so I took up rowing .
15 Well they might be a friendly , oh I do n't really know but er he 's so busy you see and he 's busy all kinds of day and night , now then , we asked him a while ago to be more careful when he was switching on the freezer units at night because they were waking people up , we asked him er a while ago if he 'd be more careful learning up at six o'clock in the morning because the chain and that we could n't sleep in the morning like , and all disturbing us all like that
16 The sadness of the stanza is emphasized by the lines remembering the soldier at home before he came to war ;
17 They are too frightened to leave their homes at night because they are terrified of what they will come back to .
18 ‘ There is an element of confusion at RCA because some people ca n't understand a band not caring how successful they are , ’ he says .
19 Mosquitoes buzz around people 's heads at night because they are drawn to the carbon dioxide which we give off as we breathe .
20 The reaction of my careers adviser at University when I confessed my inclination was gloomy but perhaps at the time realistic : ‘ That 's all very well , but what are you going to do when you grow up ? ’
21 Well , my first job came during four weeks of my last term at RADA when I had applied and been chosen for a television play called It 's Too Late to Talk to Billy which was set in Belfast — which is where I came from originally .
22 In Acts , when he describes the reaction of the Jews at Berea as they heard the gospel for the first time , Luke brings out this same point .
23 I can not forget one match , when he scored four goals at Sheffield when England Under-21s beat us 6–1 .
24 Millwall have scored more goals at home than any other team in the first division but away their record is one of the worst …
25 It was the first time they had conceded four goals at home since the Manchester United of Charlton , Law and Best rammed four past them in 1969 .
26 Sixty years ago mixed bathing was only allowed in the Council swimming baths at Bradford-on-Avon if the bathers were related .
27 The distribution of ECU200 million of emergency food aid ( promised at the EC Maastricht conference in December ) had begun in January ; the food was to be sold in Moscow and St Petersburg at controlled prices in an attempt to restrict inflation , but the first shipment of 130 tonnes of beef from the UK was refused entry at Moscow because of fears of bovine spongiform encephalopathy [ see p. 37534 ] .
28 THE TCCB will take legal advice on Tuesday 's court ruling that five spectators be repaid the price of their tickets , plus costs , for a day 's ‘ play ’ between England and Pakistan at Edgbaston when only two balls were bowled .
29 Similar thoughts must have crossed Robert Burrows ' mind at times for he had a " tremendous burden and task " which would have been very difficult to accomplish unaided . "
30 The Ulster representation in the 30 player squad is small but team leader , Eddie Limberg , Ulster Branch Chairman , has another mission in mind at Perth when he will present a bid for the 1993 Schools event to come to Ulster .
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