Example sentences of "[noun] at [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Bile ( 0.5 ml ) was taken from the gall bladder at laparotomy and infused into the proximal ileum over a two minute period .
2 Membership of the Town Boys represents the last promotion in the career of the football fan at Oxford and only the most committed are eligible .
3 [ J. S. Reynolds , The Evangelicals at Oxford , 1953 , 2nd edn. , 1975 ; V. H. H. Green , Religion at Oxford and Cambridge , 1964 ; J. N. D. Kelly , St. Edmund Hall , 1989 ; Record , 5 March 1855 ; Oxford Chronicle , 3 March 1855 ; M. W. Warriner , The Warriner Family , privately reproduced , 1975 ; Warriner papers , Warwickshire County Record Office ( on loan ) : letters of J. Hill to G. Warriner junior , 1814–23 ; Bodleian Library ( on loan ) : MS diaries of J. Hill , 1805–8 , 1820–55 . ]
4 Within a month or so the French , having won important skirmishes at Jargeau and Patay , could turn towards achieving the next logical step of their success story , the coronation of the dauphin as king of France .
5 Further dismissals followed in August , including Kalpokas ' successors at Education and Foreign Affairs along with the Agriculture minister .
6 Bonn officials last night played down the extent of the last-minute rethink of their tactics at Strasbourg and one said that it had all been a ‘ silly misunderstanding ’ .
7 The remuneration for a lecture at the National Gallery that might take two weeks to prepare stands at £50 and in many cases you pay for your own slides .
8 Langbaurgh Council is to take stands at Birmingham and Stavanger in Norway to help local companies exhibit at major trade fairs this year .
9 It is true that the incident was not actually Mildred 's fault , for once , because Ethel had cast a spell on the broomstick which Mildred was using , but in view of our little chat this morning , girls — ’ here she darted a glance at Ethel and Mildred who wriggled uncomfortably in their seats , ‘ I feel this is a most fitting punishment for both of you .
10 Without a backward glance at Brooklands or the woman who stood watching them from the doorway , she pulled out into the flow of traffic , her tyres squealing on the loose gravel drive .
11 Felipe de Santis shot a dark , ironic glance at Maggie that quite caught her off guard .
12 Renee shot a disapproving glance at Knocker and began preparing her drink .
13 Ryker shot an angry glance at Donna and mouthed something she could n't make out .
14 With a worried glance at Elaine and Francis , she hurried forward to walk alongside him .
15 It was done with a scornful glance at Keith and then a grin of agreement at Mrs Hollins .
16 Edinburgh , Stirling and Paisley universities were among the institutions which fared well in the exercise , but there was some disappointment at Glasgow and Aberdeen universities .
17 Although it was extensively used to model figures such as the river god at Ham , most of the surviving pieces are smaller decorative items such as the pineapple finials in the south terrace at Ham and the richly ornamented urns at Killerton in Devon .
18 We have to face the fact that there is a bigger risk of nuclear proliferation at present than the world has ever known .
19 Paul , 23 , wrote and proposed to 19-year-old Gillian Spencer at Christmas while he was on a six-month tour of duty with the UN .
20 It is better to cut the corner , maintaining rhythm at jumps and then gradually edge towards the fearsome object bit by bit .
21 Walks on the Howardian Hills include a 4-mile one around Byland Abbey , one around the White Horse at Kilburn and another through the forest of Yearsley .
22 He hunts because he finds it exciting to ride a horse at speed and over such unpredictable obstacles .
23 Long at the Bridgewater Arms in Winston , they 've more recently taken the Black Horse at Ingleton and , last year , the Bridge on Whorlton green .
24 Charlie Brooks vowed never to run another horse at Taunton after the stewards took no action following an incident involving his runner Roscoe Harvey .
25 Then when he took to chasing he produced one of the best performance by an Irish horse at Cheltenham when going down narrowly to Garrison Savannah in the 1990 Sun Alliance Novices Chase — and Garrison Savannah the following won the Gold Cup and finished second in the National .
26 George , 60 , said : ‘ I 've got the President on my locker at work and everyone thinks it is hysterical .
27 They were present at all subsequent coronations until that of King Charles II at Scone on Ne'er Day 1651 — the last coronation at Scone and the last in Scotland .
28 Equally well , rather than disappoint you , the assistant may say ( hat the item is not in stock at present but may be in next week — after several weeks of returning to ask about it , you may suddenly realize that the item never is coming in .
29 Berhtfrith praefectus , almost certainly the Berhtfrith who fought on Osred 's side at Bamburgh and who later spoke in favour of a settlement with Wilfrid at the council on the Nidd ( Vita Wilfridi , ch. 60 ) , perhaps also a kinsman of Berhtred , son of Beornhaeth , was involved in a conflict in 711 in what had been Manau Gododdin between the Rivers Avon and Carron when the Picts were defeated ( HE V , 24 ; ASC D , s.a. 710 ; AU s.a. 710 : AT p. 222 ) .
30 ‘ He chopped and changed the side at whim and never allowed any team he selected to settle down and establish a set pattern of play . ’
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