Example sentences of "[noun] by set [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Another company , Gold Peak Industries ( Holdings ) , which makes car audio equipment , is also trying to hedge future risks by setting up new factories elsewhere .
2 Some firms in the US and France have tackled the problems of isolation by setting up small centres which are a meeting point for homeworkers as well as a focus for organization .
3 The drinks industry has made a gesture towards its concern about alcohol misuse by setting up the Portman group .
4 The Government 's Advisory Committee on Science and Technology ( ACOST ) has suggested splitting practical and pure research by setting up separate research councils to handle each .
5 This mutation takes two forms , which have little or nothing in common except the need or desire to control state policy : national separatism and national xenophobia , which means being against foreigners by setting up ‘ our ’ own state , and being against them by excluding them from ‘ our ’ already existing state .
6 Akio Morita , 71 , chairman of electronics giant Sony , gets the honour for boosting British industry by setting up TV factories in Wales and for improving Anglo-Japanese relations .
7 Thus , firms can reward their staff by setting up bonus schemes related to the firm 's profits or otherwise relating pay to performance ; and ( 2 ) just as the partners will wish to impose restraint covenants upon themselves ( see Chapter 8 ) to prevent an outgoing partner damaging the continuing practice by setting up in competition thereto , so in the case of salaried partners , assistant solicitors and other key members of staff their terms of employment should include similar restrictionssimilar , but not necessarily identical .
8 Now farmers are taking action by setting up Farmwatch .
9 The campaign of resistance had then succeeded , but few Unionists were celebrating ; Lord Winterton in Sussex and Willoughby de Broke in Warwickshire were among the Unionists who were preparing to spread an Irish civil war to England by setting up " commandos " of diehards among the yeomanry — but it was not clear whom they would fight if the army refused to support the government .
10 Nor do they take lightly his abuse of Mitbestimmung , the hallowed German practice of giving workers a voice in public companies by setting aside for them nearly half the seats on supervisory boards .
11 The government responded to the unacceptable strength of the mass picket by setting up a Court of Enquiry ( under Lord Justice Scarman ) while at the same time condemning the ‘ violence ’ of the pickets .
12 In ( 5 ) c the speaker elaborates on the premise by setting out one choice option followed later by the other ( ( 5 ) g ) .
13 Dell Computer Corp is blaming problems with its notebook computers for a shock halving of first quarter profits ( figures , page five ) , and warns that the second quarter will be no better , and that its target of $3.30 a share for the year is now out of reach : the shares plunged $10 to $22.125 before the market opened yesterday : ‘ Basically , the notebooks are going to have a negative effect on earnings per share in the next two quarters , ’ chairman Michael Dell told Reuter — adding that Dell is taking steps to improve its notebook business by setting up joint development opportunities with new partners and that a partnership with an ‘ electronics and communications provider ’ was already in place , although he did not name it .
14 Teenagers at Giggleswick School , near Settle , have been learning about business by setting up their own manufacturing company , XS Baggage .
15 Security will be tight : Peru 's Maoist guerrillas , Sendero Luminoso , expressed their disapproval of the whole business by setting off a number of bombs in Ica last week and murdering the wife of the rector of the local university .
16 The Secretary of State began the process by setting up working groups to make recommendations for the three core subjects of mathematics , English and science ( and technology , the first of the other foundation subjects ) .
17 The aim was to reach students in the Fourth to Sixth Form age group by setting up workshops and visits to the Hayward Gallery , persuading professional photographers to go to as many schools as possible to talk about their own work and the Magnum show , and encouraging ‘ young hopefuls ’ to shoot and print some of their own work .
18 Have the Government not in effect acknowledged the findings of the Drell panel report on the safety of nuclear weapons by setting up their own review ?
19 Alternatively they can seek to avoid the protective wall by setting up subsidiaries and branches within the Community .
20 Some legislative attempts have been made to structure the exercise of sentencing discretion by setting out the criteria which courts should apply when deciding on a sentence , but these , too , are limited in scope .
21 On 11 July Sir Frederick Holliday resigned as chair of the Joint Nature Conservation Committee after accusing the Scottish Office of undermining the committee 's powers by setting up a review body to deal with Sites of Special Scientific Interests ( SSSIs ) .
22 The process was assisted in the North by the self-exclusion of Britain from internal Ulster affairs by setting up the Stormont parliament which survived from 1922 to 1972 .
23 His somewhat thankless task was to attempt to introduce private-sector techniques into the Civil Service by setting up the Property Services Agency .
24 The bill would give the service a ‘ new lease of life ’ and put it in good shape to provide an even better service by setting up a new system of financial management and creating new incentives to efficiency .
25 Surely we could get rid of some of our fuel problems by setting up some windmills ?
26 If they still wanted to expand their original business there are other ways of doing so : there might be scope for a small hotel at L'Auberge , for instance , or for outside catering around Chelmslow , or they might even capitalize on George 's knowledge of French wines by setting up an off-licence and specialist wine importation business .
27 But he more than made up for that night by setting up both Arsenal 's goals with a performance of poise and maturity .
28 To do her best and help other people , to think of others before herself , to do a good turn every day , to lend a hand — she was only partly keeping the Promise , the Law and the Motto by setting off to save the Brownies ' van from what could be a nasty mishap .
29 The independent sector has also contributed to developments in the area by setting up courses aimed at recruiting staff back to work .
30 Pre-format the file area by setting up dummy records of individual record or bucket size , to provide all the addresses within the range that the address algorithm can generate .
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