Example sentences of "[noun] be [vb pp] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Should a department be shut down ?
2 Id be pissed off too .
3 The starting point was the issue of the opportunities offered to socialists by the current form of capitalist property in Britain , and my conclusion is that the socialised deployment of the personal sector financial surplus would permit a greatly accelerated rate of productive investment , yielding dividends in terms of socially useful output and employment , provided that the deployment of funds be carried out according to fairly well-defined criteria of rationality rather than merely in response to ad hoc political pressure .
4 As a member of the National Trust for Scotland for nearly 58 years , and having from time to time been involved in its affairs , I want to add my personal support to Douglas Connell 's proposition ( Points of View , 15 March ) that the functions of the National Heritage Memorial Fund ( in so far as they relate to Scotland ) should in future be carried out by a new body established in Scotland .
5 Consequently , a nominal 60-year loan would in practice be made up of many short- , medium- , and long-term loans .
6 While the bidding for contracts may nominally be through international competitive bidding arrangements between suppliers and members of a government , the award may in practice be carried out in ways which make it impossible for the Bank and other donors to police it .
7 Can the rent be put up , and by how much ?
8 The government took the view that this was not possible : ‘ vendors of land , like vendors of any other commodity , will always get the best price that they can , and the development charge , however small , would in effect be passed on , in whole or in part , to the ultimate user of the land ’ .
9 The United States declared that all non-humanitarian US economic support would be withheld " until the democratic process is restored " ; nor would action be taken on Romania 's bid to regain " most favoured nation " trade status , which would allow low tariffs for exports to the USA .
10 Could this scene be acted out every day at 4.45pm on the road out of Pinjarra ?
11 The numbers of studies of this area are lower than those of more northerly tracts , and this should suggest that further work in a variety of sub-disciplines be carried out here .
12 Can class barriers be broken down by educational reform ?
13 However , the 1988 Local Government Act requires that a local authority 's cleaning and maintenance work be put out to competitive tender : this is likely to result in fewer of these staff being employed directly by the LEA in future .
14 Clearly the ideal security is one so constituted , but a legal interest can not be vested in thousands of debentureholders , nor can the deeds be split up amongst them .
15 It is suggested that the specific objectives of any given test be clearly identified before the test is started , since only if the objectives are clearly defined can the test be carried out most efficiently and with the greatest economy of time and effort .
16 If a team took a kick 8 yards forward of the foul theyd be pulled back .
17 Service of an interlocutory process out of England and Wales is permissible with the leave of the court on a person who is already a party to the proceedings and who in the case of a defendant , respondent or third party , has been served with the originating process but leave shall not be required for such service in any proceedings in which the originating process may by these rules or under any Act be served out of England and Wales without leave , ( Ord 8 , rr 1 and 4 ) .
18 To return to England , the proposals for devolution to Scotland and Wales inevitably raised the question — why should England be left out ?
19 Can attitudes and dispositions be summoned up at will ?
20 The conference recommended , among other things , that the party give up its leading role in society ; that the President be elected through universal suffrage for a maximum of two terms ; that power be shared with the Prime Minister ; that workers and the press have freedom of expression ; and that the privatization of nationalized companies be speeded up .
21 And just as the MOD has chosen to let such production lines be closed down , rather than pay contractors for the cost of mothballing them , so too has it cast a cold eye on the plight of domestic defence electronics companies .
22 The Government 's Bill on embryo research comes after the report of the committee chaired by Baroness Warnock which recommended experiments on foetuses be allowed up to 14 days .
23 Could U N troops be sent in ?
24 Unless he considers that there are important aspects requiring further investigation in depth , the Chief Inspector will order that a summary of the facts relating to — the accident be drawn up and published in the next monthly issue of AIB bulletins .
25 Timex boss Mohammed Saleh said union demands that 343 sacked workers be taken back ‘ not realistic … they did everything possible not to help us keep that plant going ’ .
26 In the earlier book he had proposed an additional reversion to classical principles : that the focus of attention be switched back from the criminal to the crime .
27 The grounds acted as a kind of olfactory barrier should the boat be searched and sniffer dogs be brought on .
28 So the question to be asked is how can the authoring of multimedia be taken out of the hands of technical experts such as computer programmers and be placed firmly in the control of the content , applications and creative experts ?
29 The row , which inflamed doctors , was immortalised by the pictures of ‘ battling Granny Esther Brookstone ’ , the leader of Charing Cross Hospital 's branch of the National Union of Public Employees , demanding that the new hospital 's ‘ penthouse floor ’ of private beds be turned over to the NHS .
30 It would also require that specialist pension tribunals and a regulatory body be set up .
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