Example sentences of "[noun] with this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a meal segmenting pressure activity increases and antegrade and retrograde transit of marker occurs in association with this activity .
2 In association with this trend , there was renewed attention to longstanding evidence on the effects of poverty on health , in association with government restrictions on the growth of Health Service spending .
3 There was no history of association with this convent as there was with St Mary 's in Knockglen .
4 My little band of Welsh gold with the tiniest of freshwater pearls , no good for belly-buttons so I kept it ; and I remember Tony poking the funghi marinati out of his ears with this pick .
5 A data card with this information , including the patient 's usual treatment centre would be useful .
6 The Control of Misleading Advertisements Regulations 1988 deal with this possibility .
7 This classification has become widely accepted in the discipline , and virtually all discussions of the subject deal with this trio .
8 Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences .
9 How would lie deal with this Philistine Head Teacher ?
11 Climb the high mountain behind my hut and strike the three golden hairs with this latch-string . "
12 The horizontally varying heating may then be switched off , and the evolution of pure Bénard convection with this pattern investigated .
13 Treat your kids with this surprise-a-day advent calendar PLUS Kitchen update — news of the latest gadgets
14 Business disappointment with this statement was expressed in the fall of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and Share Index by over 38 points .
15 You can do a blue movie with this thing
16 If she went to Veronica with this story , she might as well tell her the complete truth .
17 Alfieri 's obsession with this case and his genuine concern towards what the outcome might be show a compassionate , and perhaps emotional , streak in the man .
18 Er , but the interesting , the interesting thing is that they are prepared to pay and yet this obsession this obsession with this ideology that the only way you can get you can go forward in in terms of er placing this this country in any economic status in the way it may have been and er is is to privatisation of V A T. Chairman I look forward to the day when when the very air and this has been said for that we breathe will either be privatised or more important they 'll stick a bloody V A T on it .
19 Regular spraying with this soot solution kept leaf miners off chrysanthemums standing outside in pots .
20 DLT allows you to delete complete directories , if that sounds a bit drastic , do n't worry , there are several safe guards with this program .
21 I stay there a bit watching a telly programme with this man doing stuff .
22 If you 're er serving this lady or gentleman whoever it is , you should put your whole mind with this person , not er wait for them to ask what they want , and talk with somebody else like that , and that 's done i in a lot of these shops .
23 Someone at Head Office needs to do a quick bit of thinking here : to couple an outstanding Appalachian Spring with this twaddle is not only an insult to Dennis Russell Davies and his superb musicians , but also to the prospective purchaser of this disc .
24 We 're particularly proud of him in South Cambridgeshire , as we 're also proud that so many of our environmental health officers like Alan Hobson do sterling work for us , and we are looking to them in the in the future with this semi-autonomy that they 've been given to really take on board the opportunities which have been given to them under the 1990 Act to really go to town on environmental health .
25 You may find it difficult and depressing to envisage the future with this uncertainty , especially if you have , for example , made plans for your mutual life right up to retirement stage .
26 A break with this doctrine was made by the Divorce Reform Act 1969 , now replaced by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , as amended in 1984 , and the present position is that the sole ground on which a petition for divorce may be presented is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably .
27 The break with this structure of belonging can be announced only through a certain organisation , a certain strategic arrangement which , within the field of metaphysical opposition , uses the strengths of the field to turn its own stratagems against it , producing a force of dislocation that spreads itself throughout the entire system , fissuring it in every direction and thoroughly delimiting it .
28 Research with this substance , though , has been much less equivocal and ambiguous .
29 Research with this questionnaire ( and others like it ) has demonstrated that schizotypal personality traits are frequently found in psychologically healthy individuals .
30 I really can not find fault with this book except to say that even splendid photography can not make me love all of Piffetti 's furniture .
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