Example sentences of "[noun] on [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Thirdly , we had the 1985 Report by the then Association of Health Service Treasurers on managing capital assets in the NHS ( AHST , 1985 ) , in the light of which work is under way at three DHAs on setting up comprehensive asset systems .
2 Dr Michael Russell of the Addiction Research Unit , commented : ‘ Nicotine replacement has less than 5 per cent of the risk of smoking ’ , while Dr Chris Steele , who runs a smoking cessation clinic in Manchester and is the author of books on giving up smoking , added : ‘ A smoker with any smoking-related disease would be far , far safer to change over to nicotine gum than to continue smoking .
3 Significantly , the Act gives a foreign investor full protection and ensures that dividends and its stake on winding up are transferable abroad without permit .
4 Monetary sources said work on setting up the EIF , which will have capital of two billion Ecu ( £1.4 billion ) and be funded by the EIB , the commission and private banks , was progressing well — although it is not expected to be operational before early next year .
5 One such writer considered the declaration on the neutrality of Southeast Asia to sound ‘ in common with the Soviet proposal on setting up collective security in Asia ’ .
6 The report advises developing countries on drawing up contracts and establishing regulations so that they can profit from their biodiversity .
7 Her insistence on setting up lone stations cut off from the central missionary settlement led her into conflict with the authorities , who often thwarted her persistent applications to go further ‘ up-country ’ .
8 Rain wished he had someone to make sure he spent part of the proceeds on smartening up his flat .
9 A 74 year old man was noted to have a 10 cm mass in the left lobe of the liver on follow up ultrasonography for colorectal carcinoma .
10 The group spent a further £400 on pressing up 500 copies and £40 on the sleeves .
11 At first , each gearbox only started rattling with a warmed up engine but each got worse until the rattle could be heard with a cold engine on revving up when stationary .
12 Branson 's role in the Atra deal had been negligible , and his first reaction on waking up to find three men standing at the bottom of his bed demanding £5,000 was one of confusion and outright terror .
13 I read in an old Practical Fishkeeping an article on setting up a South American general community , this set me thinking and I decided to set up a South American Catfish community with a view to keeping some of the more readily-available , but hard to breed catfish and to provide them with the optimum conditions and numbers to hopefully have some breeding success .
14 I was most interested in Mark Blythe 's article on racing up towers and high buildings around the world .
15 Before Bodo arrived I 'd already decided in favour of the gentler angled approach through the rip from the left , with an eye on building up gradually from the small to the not-so-small .
16 He was formerly the general secretary of the Electrical Trades Union , though ( like Citrine ) he had had to resign his union post on taking up the new managerial appointment .
17 In a pre-scheduled address to an international banking conference attended by the Czech and Slovak finance ministers where he was to have delivered a lecture on setting up direct sales operations in Eastern Europe , Kontrax president Gabor Dixco told an embarrassed audience that the global recession , poor financial management and lack of support from the banks were to blame for the company 's collapse .
18 By the end of the campaign , his average image score had risen to 65 but his score on standing up to the USSR had dropped to 56 .
19 Bill Murray spent £50,000 on setting up his restaurant at Telegraph Hill , near Exeter , Devon , two years ago but said the business started to go downhill when he handed it over to a manager to run .
20 Core programme activities have been focused on interpreting the existing datasets , with an emphasis on picking up evidence of underlying structural controls and increasing our three-dimensional understanding of the crust .
21 It is important that Chinese managers also have a similar understanding of British management methods and therefore the project places considerable emphasis on building up the knowledge of managers from both sides .
22 rights on winding up ; policy on use of surplus funds ; transfer rules and entitlements .
23 Ironically , there is no inhibition on digging up an old acquittal .
24 Is their failure to remember dreams on waking up in the morning because they " really " do n't dream , or is it because they fail to remember them ?
25 Their average age on taking up their post was fifty-four .
26 The system disk has a file named README.DOC which gives more details on setting up projects , resource maintenance , task maintenance and notes on entering tasks .
27 Breaking up , you , news on waking up
28 The National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations offer a useful leaflet on setting up a new group and will also provide a draft constitution .
30 Griffiths ' and Hamilton 's work on PACT ( Parents , Children and Teachers ) the Bellfield Project and the Harringay Project all reported in Bloom 's Partnership with Parents in Reading ( 1987 ) are examples of schemes of parent listening , Keith Topping and Sheila Wolfendale in Parental involvement in Children 's Reading ( 1985 ) give advice on setting up schemes of ‘ paired reading ’ .
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