Example sentences of "[noun] was not to " in BNC.

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1 Although the light was still clear , Hawkbit was not to be seen anywhere on the upland .
2 I mean I , I rather suspect it was the , the former it was n't th the driving force was not to be the needs of the mass of the population , but the needs of the mass of the population could be used , could be harnessed to build the Red Army
3 But by the evening HQ 5 Corps and the Army commander personally had been instructed that force was not to be used .
4 The president was not to be deterred .
5 Meredith was not to be led away from the point at issue .
6 The inquest into the Greenwich defeat was not to be a debate about the future direction of socialism in multi-cultural inner-city areas ; it was to be an appeal to homophobia .
7 Even here , as the fact of policing came to be established , opposition was not to the police per se , but to specific operations or tactics .
8 She was one of the few people in Iran who dared speak her mind to him ( perhaps the sole person ) , but what was on her mind was not to everyone 's liking .
9 This made geographical sense : both valleys drain west to the River Lune and the Irish Sea and are separated from the rest of Yorkshire by the barrier of the Pennines ; nevertheless , the breaking of traditional ties was not to the liking of all the inhabitants .
10 Gyggle was n't to be put off by this ; instead of retreating or retrenching he suggested even more radical measures .
11 The precocity displayed by Ypres and Ghent in securing a candidate favourable to their industrial future was not to be imitated in the rest of France in the twelfth century ; still , other rulers , particularly those of Champagne , learned from it of the profit to be derived from allying with the increasingly powerful mercantile or industrial classes .
12 Jonadab was not to be hurried and methodically finished changing into his working clothes before putting in an appearance .
13 Instructions had gone out from on high that the boat was not to be rocked , and Margaret Thatcher was as good as her word .
14 But John 's heyday was not to be long-lived .
15 While most of the cases which were decided under the heading of gross negligence would be decided the same way under reckless manslaughter , from cases such as Lamb , above , manslaughter by gross negligence may survive despite Lord Roskill 's statement in Kong Cheuk Kwan v R that the term was not to be used .
16 But the horse was not to be restrained :
17 Linda was not to be placated .
18 As appears from his writing , the British deaf scene was not to his liking .
19 For the non-combatant was not to be merely the quiet underwriter of his country 's military undertakings .
20 Shared-space was not to be part of the 30 km/h concept .
21 Second , the existing practice of the revenue under the pre-1976 law was not to tax benefits in kind on the average cost basis and those who were asking questions on behalf of their constituents would have been well aware of this fact .
22 When I met my husband , I knew he was the one for me , and I knew that I would have to be honest if our marriage was n't to be based on a lie .
23 ‘ I wanted to see how her mind was working , ’ he said , but Lissa was not to be appeased .
24 The term 's work was not to be seen as leading up to the audio tape .
25 Jessica had said , as they had dressed for dinner with her parents , that he would probably be mentioned , and Karen was not to corpse .
26 But their choices remained either in the storeroom or in the window because her father had made it a rule that the window was n't to be cleared until the day before Christmas Eve .
27 Wealth was not to be flaunted , although as the children grew older they became aware that their father 's circumstances were not the same as those of brother officers who lived only on their Navy pay .
28 They had asked for a greater number of " peacekeeping forces " to be sent , although Sahnoun on Aug. 12 was to emphasize that the proposed deployment was not to be regarded as a peacekeeping operation , but was to protect food distribution .
29 Lansdowne Road has seen some famous victories this year and the Dublin Sports & social Committee was not to be outdone as Lansdowne Football Club was the venue for its latest undertaking .
30 We wish to point out , as was made clear in the report itself , that the reference was not to Lothian Enterprise — established in 1988 as the venture capital arm of Lothian Regional Council — but to Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise ( LEEL ) .
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