Example sentences of "[noun] for fact [conj] " in BNC.

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1 What is instructive in terms of the psychology of science is the willingness with which Kammerer 's detractors were prepared to resort to fraud as an explanation for facts that had been misinterpreted as support for a counter-theory , facts which , at that point , their own theory was insufficiently well developed to account for .
2 In fact , his phenomenal memory for facts and figures ( he has been known to correct Scottish former international rugby players on the score at half time of matches they had played in ) , combined with a genuine interest in people , made him ideal for the part and , from the day he joined TMcL a year before qualifying , his career took off .
3 The advanced study of History demands far more than a retentive memory for facts or an ability to describe fluently the course of an historical event .
4 Brown 's message is turning into a zealot 's redemption-seeking rant , with scant regard for facts or figures , for his own past record ( ’ I Lobbied : It Was Bad ’ mocked one headline ) , for the need for compromise to make laws , least of all for financial contraints .
5 She had a thirst for facts and a tenacious memory , and bribed members of her family to read ‘ the drier , but more instructive books ’ which she latterly preferred , though in rural Ireland books of any kind were hard to come by .
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