Example sentences of "[noun] for the local " in BNC.

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1 This is a valuable , although indirect , additional protection for the local authority .
2 This protection for the local authority does not require the residence to have taken place for the whole 12 months in the house to which succession is claimed .
3 The grounds of appeal were , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the justices had exercised their discretion to award costs on the wrong principles as it had not been shown that the local authority had acted in bad faith or unreasonable in the performance of its statutory duties or had acted unreasonably in the conduct of the proceedings before the court ; ( 2 ) there were no circumstances which justified the making of the costs order ; ( 3 ) the justice should have found that there were good reasons for the local authority to be concerned about the father 's ability to care for the children , the local authority was not bound to adopt the view of the guardian ad litem and the local authority had communicated the decision not to oppose the father 's application within a reasonable time on receiving the report of the guardian ad litem ; ( 4 ) the justices had been wrong to assume that the change in the view of the local authority amounted to an admission that the views of the local authority had been wrong all the time .
4 The greatest opportunity for the local party organization to exercise freedom is in the choice of a parliamentary candidate .
5 Mr Milburn has contacted Durham County Council to explain the situation and push the case for the local people in the hope the council may subsidise the route .
6 Under local authority accounting practice , the minimum revenue provision for the local authority as a whole is a fixed percentage , determined by the Government .
7 There are five main ways in which these forecasts are used : for resource allocation in the near future ; to plan longer-term capital expenditure ; to assess planned admission limits for schools ; to aid reorganization ; and to help forecast the future budget for the local authority — both educational and corporate .
8 If income support is in payment , there is unlikely to be any advantage for the local authority in pursuing maintenance as the DSS will simply reduce their contribution by the same amount .
9 Mr Huxley Jones , of Fairlands Crescent , Rhuddlan , who was a branch manager with a plumbing supplies firm , has been pastoral steward at the local English Methodist Church for more than 20 years and a driver for the local meals-on-wheels service for eight years .
10 In both Scotland and Ireland , the Digital plants are the largest employers in the area and closure would be a devastating blow for the local economies .
11 Erm when one of our friends , who was a writer for the local press , headlined it , The cutter who walked a thousand miles together , before he got called up . .
12 Roger McCarthy for the local authority .
13 But today the man who wants to be next the Health Secretary did his bit for the local campaign .
14 Richard Clough for the local authority .
15 Mary 's reign witnessed a spontaneous renewal of enthusiasm for the local celebrations banned under Edward , and Corpus Christi processions , Whitsun ales , May games , and the decking of churches once more became as common as they had been in the last years of Henry 's reign .
16 I collect aluminium cans for the local branch of Guide Dogs for the Blind .
17 Often local pubs serve as a base for the local community : as Neil Richardson pointed out in CAMRA 's Pub Preservation report of 1980 , ‘ The pub is first and foremost a social centre , the best ever invented …
18 The graffiti gives an idea of the strength of support for the local football club , a guide to the local teenage love pairings , and sometimes a frank unsolicited appraisal of a member of staff .
19 Those accusations are always made by the same people who have all but destroyed public support for the local authority concept because of their blindness to the requirements of good financial management within local authorities .
20 A lot of the stone went to build houses for the local peasants , who apparently had a tough time .
21 Salvage from sailing ships was an important additional income for the local people , but ceased with the coming of the steamships as they could stand out to sea in a storm .
22 These women are at the heart of the economy — markets are the main centres for the wholesale and retail distribution of a huge variety of goods and the market workforce can exercise considerable political muscle , as their taxes are one of the main sources of income for the local government .
23 The visitation records have several values for the local historian .
24 There is a crucial role for partnerships in taking on responsibility for the local co-ordination of education .
25 Mr Fallon also has the advantage of being Schools Minister with special responsibility for the local management of schools , teacher training and capital spending .
26 Such men owed their positions to the constant manipulation of the party machinery — and so confirmed the worst of Ostrogorski 's fears ; they sat on every local committee , raised money for the local party , decided the selection of candidates and kept their fingers firmly on the local pulse .
27 is well known for her charity work , raising much needed money for the local children 's hospice — Hope House .
28 The quality can be high , but terracottas are on the whole cheap products for the local market , and so give valuable indication of the styles prevalent in particular places .
29 Now there is a committee of five and like Jim , all are volunteers who spend their free time organising football for the local kids .
30 David Tyzack for the local authority .
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