Example sentences of "[noun] for [noun pl] ' " in BNC.

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1 It must include stronger protection for workers ' health and safety , so that industrial modernisation is not pursued in ways which damage the working environment .
2 There is a growing trend towards greater protection for journalists ' sources in Europe , according to Ms D'Souza .
3 From April 1 , 1989 , the limit for advice and assistance provided to a petitioner for divorce or judicial separation has been three times the sum for preparation for magistrates ' court criminal proceedings ; and in other cases , two times that sum .
4 The reasons for bankers ' reluctance have not been articulated .
5 There are many complex reasons for historians ' disagreement .
6 Other reasons for pupils ' absence can provide challenges to the school .
7 Pupils ' non-attendance at school can be authorised or not and there are many reasons for pupils ' absence — illness being the most common .
8 There are a number of reasons for tutors ' apparent retreat to the classroom , among which may be increasing administrative demands on their time and/or lack of opportunities for recent clinical experience .
9 The Board for Engineers ' Registration ( which comprises nominees from engineering Institutions ) and its associated committees is asked to play a leading role in the introduction of risk assessment and management in initial and continuing education and training for engineers .
10 The role which the tutor should adopt is that of a sounding board for students ' ideas and suggestions .
11 Several other Scottish education authorities — including Dumfries and Galloway , Highland , Tayside and Strathclyde — have already developed strong anti-smoking policies , though none is thought to have rejected the case for smokers ' areas .
12 She was secretary of the Tollemarche United Church Willing Workers ' Group , vice-president ( not president ! ) of the Tollemarche Downtown Community Centre , a driver for Cripples ' Transport , a member of the Car Dealers ' Wives Society and , she would remind him , a member of the Committee for the Preservation of Morals .
13 The responsibilities of this department cover the development of the HCIMA professional qualifications , liaison with centres offering HCIMA programmes and administration of the moderation system , accreditation of hospitality programmes in the UK and overseas , management development activities for members ' self development , Student Members recruitment , Licentiate assessments and career counselling .
14 Editor , — Michael Dewey 's plea for authors ' rights brought back painful memories , for we have recently suffered the writer 's equivalent of torture at the hands of the editors of a journal published by the BMA .
15 Under the Bill , responsibility for the administration of funding for nurses ' education will be transferred from the national boards of Wales , Scotland and England to health authorities and health boards .
16 It was not until 1982 that mandatory scales for architects ' services were replaced by recommended fees — with the RIBA responsible for establishing the scale .
17 Some trade unions argued that free time was as important as perhaps even more important than — money in the struggle for workers ' rights .
18 Tom even has a photographic dark-room for guests ' use ; and for me , the greatest plus , a splendid sauna suite , complete with adjacent shower and rest area .
19 Does the Minister recall that when we discussed these matters during the passage of the Finance Bill the then Financial Secretary , now Chancellor of the Exchequer , expressed passionate enthusiasm for workers ' control ?
20 In the case of secular centres , most burghs had strips of land leading back from the market-place for burghers ' houses , vegetable plots and space for livestock .
21 We will ease the transition from the present wasteful and inefficient price support mechanism to market prices and direct support for farmers ' incomes to achieve environmental and social goals , to be funded by savings made from the present intervention payment system .
22 Mr Maxwell said that his alterations — which he would make for publication in his newspapers — were to substitute the term ombudsman for readers ' representatives and to widen the clause in the code of practice which refers to non-payment of criminals to include those benefiting from a criminal act .
23 Local Marine Boards were set up in all main ports and a Shipping Master appointed by each to take administrative responsibility for masters ' and mates ' examinations and the business of engaging and discharging seamen under pain of penalty for " crimping " and other similar offences .
24 But this is also the first time that a young doctor takes on daily clinical responsibility for patients ' care , and in reality the service element provided by preregistration house officers underpins the medical care provided in many of our hospitals .
25 Also , there has to be strict rules for visitors ' feeding of the animals and most of the time no feeding of this kind is allowed .
26 I have obtained the permission of the chairman to sell the shares as required by the company 's inhouse rules for directors ' dealings .
27 It drops central bankers ' insistence on centrally-set rules for members ' budget deficits .
28 Top Tory Michael Ancram yesterday joined calls for taxpayers ' cash to be restricted to the Queen and Prince Charles .
29 In this model the curriculum for teachers ' colleges and the examination system for both schools and colleges are closely linked with school curriculum development .
30 First , on the ’ liability for others ' acts ’ point , the Bill contains safeguards — as my hon. and learned Friend knows from his study of it — when the accused can show that the aggravating event occurred before he committed his basic offence or that he was not near the vehicle at the time .
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