Example sentences of "[noun] to [art] end " in BNC.

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1 Almost certainly if we had the full text of Edward 's coronation oath , we should find that , like his predecessors back to the early twelfth century and his successors to the end of the Middle Ages , he promised to protect the liberties of the church , which , after all , was also the substance of the first clause of Magna Carta .
2 Here , as at Liberi , he was happy , and we hear nothing of any initiative on his part to bring his exile to an end or to settle the issue — chiefly his frustrated desire to hold a council — which had precipitated his exile .
3 He did n't know how high a temperature they could take before they went into shut-down , and he supposed he would n't get a chance to record his findings if he did pursue the experiment to the end .
4 What is lacking , however , is the political will in government to bring torture to an end .
5 Any partner 's death will bring the partnership to an end .
6 Blocked negotiations with the unions resumed at the end of January , opening up the possibility of extending the deadline for job losses to the end of 1994 .
7 Those who preached the crusade dwelt on the significance of Jerusalem and on the death of Jesus , and so roused men to fervour against the Jews who had killed him as well as against the Muslims who had captured his tomb ; and apocalyptic notions of the time associated the conversion or elimination of the Jews with the liberation of Jerusalem , as a necessary prelude to the end of the world .
8 Clear prejudgment of a case is to be disapproved of , but the success of a piece of legislation may well be dependent upon the administrators enforcing the institution 's policies with some rigour ; indifference to the end in view , even if it were possible , might well be undesirable .
9 Philip Pesaro was a good fighting man in a post that controlled all north-east Cyprus from Famagusta to the end of the Karpass .
10 Proof that the themes of savage and city stayed in Eliot 's mind to the end is furnished by one of the last pieces which he published .
11 Yes we could do so it would be a matter of judgement for the er er for the Home Secretary how far to take it and he would have to balance the likelihood of er other countries all ratifying and the inconvenience to those taking part in the election here er if er there is some uncertainty to the end and maybe having to revert to the current constituencies , er I hope and expect that these matters will be settled in the next few weeks .
12 He said in a letter to MPs : ‘ Maxwell pensioners will be asking Parliament to bring this gnawing uncertainty to an end by calling on the Government to shoulder its responsibilities by guaranteeing their pensions and assuming full responsibility for the pursuit and recovery of all stolen assets . ’
13 For Swindon voters young and old , it 'll be a nailbiter to the end .
14 A particularly great suite of Art Nouveau furniture or a large-scale Second Empire piece , for example , would give weight to the end of the century .
15 Mr Smith said : ‘ I strongly support the proposal that delegates from trade unions should cast their votes on an individual basis , thus bringing the block vote to an end .
16 When people had drunk their tea they would pass the trays to the end of the row .
17 A good soldier to the end , Mr Kuchma , who learned only an hour before Mr Kravchuk 's speech that the president would not support him , tendered his resignation .
18 It was about 13 miles from Hotel Vancouver and was reached by driving through Stanley Park , across the Lions ' Gate Bridge , then turning left through West Vancouver to the end of Marine Drive .
19 Since it was central Government , not the local communities , who made the decision to allow that to happen , the Minister surely recognises that central Government must play some part in bringing this disgraceful practice to an end .
20 Are these the sort of the like to the end of bus stops ?
21 James 's comment , when the news of her birth was brought to him , that ‘ it cam wi' a lass and it will gang wi' a lass ’ ( a reference to the way in which the house of Stewart had come to the throne , through the marriage of Walter the Steward to Robert Bruce 's daughter Marjorie ) may be apocryphal and was , as it turned out , inaccurate ; the ‘ lass ’ who was to bring Stewart rule to an end was not Queen Mary , but Queen Anne in 1714 .
22 Having Azhari was another way of trying to destabilize Iran , to bring the Shah rule to an end . "
23 The combination ‘ frustrated all prospects for a normal autumn market , and our reservations from mid-September to the end of November fell some way below budget ’ .
24 Some comfort may be had by adding the following words to the end of this clause : provided that the Tenant shall have the same rights of relief against forfeiture as if the Lease had been completed
25 The villagers , tired now , were bringing their festivities to an end and streaming back across the green to the tavern or to their homes in search of other pleasures .
26 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
27 Because it is not just one war , but at least three , being waged in Bosnia , it will be exceptionally difficult to bring the fighting to an end .
28 As the right hon. Gentleman referred to action in the Security Council , and in the light of the fall of Vukovar and the continuing horrendous threat to Dubrovnik , will he seek to obtain agreement for a Security Council resolution imposing comprehensive sanctions , including an international oil ban , on the whole area , as a way of exerting pressure to bring the fighting to an end ?
29 The main political force was the NSF , which took power during the revolution and was credited with ordering the execution of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu and bringing the fighting to an end .
30 I am an elected representative of the people of Northern Ireland , three thousand three hundred of our people have been murdered , that 's the equivalent of a hundred thousand people in Britain , it is the responsibility of every elected representative to do everything in their power , everything in their power , to stop that , The least responsibility that they have , the least they can do , is enter into dialogue directly with the people involved and I apologize to no-one for that , and if anybody is telling me that I 'm tainted because I do that , you know , I do n't know what sort of minds they 've got , because I think it 's our responsibility to do everything in our power to bring this violence to an end , and what 's more , what I 'm doing has massive support of ordinary people on both sections of our community because I have never in my twenty years experienced the nature of the support and the way that it 's being expressed to me by people in the streets , by telephone , and in particular by
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