Example sentences of "[noun] to [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ arrangements for ensuring , so far as is reasonably practicable , safety and absence of risks to health in connection with the use , handling , storage and transport of articles and substances . ’
2 Whether the courts would extend this remedy to information in documents which were accidentally released as opposed to surrepticiously obtained was answered in English and American Insurance Co Ltd v Herbert Smith [ 1988 ] FSR 232 .
3 This is really two instruments in one , a switch enabling the player to change instantaneously from horn in F to horn in high B flat .
4 This figure covers losses to GDP in Malawi , Zimbabwe , Botswana , Zambia , Tanzania , Swaziland and Lesotho .
5 When Jason first queried his switch to hooker in the victory at Sheffield , coach John Monie winked and told him : ‘ Just look at your winning pay packet on Thursday . ’
6 Among companies that have opted for a total or partial switch to diesel in recent months are Philips Electronics , Dunn & Bradstreet , the Milk Marketing Board , London Electricity Board and Alliance & Leicester Building Society .
7 We need to reclaim , in the light of the shifts of disability-definition ( from medical to community care interventions , from institution to care in the community , from arts and disability to disability arts ) , the cultural meaning of impairment .
8 With local elections looming in the near future , Communist leaders in Warsaw are already fearing another serious loss , possibly even more humiliating than the loss to Solidarity in national elections last June .
9 In the face of doubts about the truths of religion , could bereaved parents still take courage and assume that their children 's death meant only a brief separation , the prelude to reunion in happier surroundings ?
10 This is the prelude to disaster in which soil , crops , and ( particularly ) livestock can suffer as much as the farmer .
11 He rolled his eyes to heaven in mock devotion , and intoned , ‘ Give me a husband , ora pro nobis .
12 In the past it hovered uneasily between being a rival to gold in jewellery and coinage and being a highly versatile industrial material .
13 He was so enraged that he blasted his love rival to death in front of the girl ’ .
14 The £2,000 which Andy Austin collected , by finishing fourth on Elusive and sixth on Zobias , was considerably more than the meagre £240 he won when riding River Hill to victory in yesterday 's first leg of the Grade A Championship .
15 One advantage of this amalgamation might be that there would be less potential for the jury to become confused , and yet the jury would still be empowered to reduce murder to manslaughter in appropriate cases .
16 He made a useful start in helping his club to victory in the Cardiff High School Old Boys Sevens where they beat a Nationwide VII 40–14 in the final .
17 Central to Lydon 's action was the allegation that McLaren had signed away the group 's future record royalties to Virgin in order to finance The Great Rock ‘ n ’ Roll Swindle .
18 It was against this troubled background that Truman presented his 21-point programme to Congress in September 1945 — the programme later known as the Fair Deal .
19 As a matter of common courtesy , for example , a teacher would avoid giving private coaching to child in a colleague 's class .
20 The moral opposition to boxing in the late twentieth century , which is essentially a continuation of an old Nonconformist hostility bolstered by science , is weakened by the popularity of men like Henry Cooper : 'Enry , the Londoner , the decent , gentle bruiser , who almost knocked out one of the greatest heavyweights of all time , but now prospers as a TV celebrity playing golf for charity or advertising deodorants .
21 The truth is … that the institutions of parliamentary government sprang from the least rationalistic period of our politics , from the Middle Ages , and ( despite the cloud of false theory with which recent centuries have enveloped them ) were connected , not with the promotion of a rationalist order of society , but ( in conjunction with the common law ) with the limitation of the exercise of political power and the opposition to tyranny in whatever form it appeared .
22 The Centre is committed to the concept of equality of all , irrespective of racial considerations , and strives to make all its aims and objectives consistent with an absolute opposition to racism in society .
23 Opposition to fascism in France ; 3 .
24 Opposition to fascism in France
25 Ever since opposition to drainage in the seventeenth century , the men of the Cambridgeshire fens were known as ‘ fen tigers ’ .
26 Mitterrand accepted the resignation of Chevènement as Defence Minister on Jan. 29 after a period of several months during which his outspoken pro-Arab views and his opposition to war in the Gulf had become an increasing source of tension within the government .
27 The point is that for Callinicos , Nietzschean thought is an instance of Romantic anti-capitalism : that form of refusal of the implications of capitalist modernity which has been present virtually since the birth of that condition , described by Michael Lowy as ‘ opposition to capitalism in the name of pre-capitalist values ’ ( cited p. 67 ) .
28 A black lacy wimple framed her beautiful white face while her splendid body was clothed from neck to toe in a pure black silk gown , the only concession to any alleviating colour being the white lace cuffs and collar and the small jewelled cross which swung from a gold chain round her neck .
29 There were two , in 1893 and ‘ 95 , when she made a daring journey alone with an eight-man African canoe crew , dressed from neck to ankle in Victorian black , with umbrella — an intrepid and comic apparition .
30 She was swathed from neck to knee in what appeared to be a ‘ coat ’ of many colours .
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