Example sentences of "[noun] to [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I knew too that he was supposed to have exclaimed , ‘ By God , sir , I 've lost my leg ! ’ and that the Duke , momentarily removing the telescope from his eye , replied , ‘ By God , sir , so you have ! ’ immediately resuming his scrutiny of the Prussians and his own ‘ infamous army ’ chasing Napoleon to his doom .
2 You hit the bottom of the valley , wait for the arms to stop shaking from the effort of holding the bike 's front wheel to its course and take on food from the station de ravitaillement .
3 The evident plagiarism which underlay her ‘ prodigious ’ contributions to polymer science was too obvious to require special demonstration except to the inquiring scientific minds of the committee of the Royal Society of Chemistry which elected Elena Ceauşescu to its membership .
4 Teachers ' leaders have expressed concern in the past at the risks to which teachers are exposing themselves if things go wrong , not just the risk to life and limb , but in terms of the extent of their legal responsibility for doing work which is outwith paid requirements .
5 Current legislation is embodied in the Health and Safety at Work Act which places a general duty on an employer to ‘ conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , as far as is practicable , that persons not in his employment who may be affected thereby , are not exposed to risks to their health and safety . ’
6 Injuries and deaths at work are a significant and reducible source of danger to the citizen , and the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 provides the framework for the regulation of safety in work-places with an offence of failing to ensure that , ‘ so far as is reasonably practicable ’ , employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
7 For example , in addition to the road-traffic offences , there are offences under sections 32 and 33 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861 of endangering railway passengers ; there are the offences under section 1(2) of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 of endangering the lives of others by causing damage to property ( usually by fire ) ; the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 penalizes employers for failure to ensure that employees are not exposed to risks to their health or safety ; and there are offences , such as that under section 12 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 , of selling goods in contravention of safety regulations .
8 Even so , many people are prepared to take the risks to their health , and extend these to their child .
9 The Health and Safety at Work ( Northern Ireland ) Order 1978 requires the University to ensure , as far as is reasonably practicable , that students are not exposed to risks to their health or safety .
10 ‘ It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that he and other persons ( not being his employees ) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety . ’
11 * Assess risks to their employees and others who may be affected
12 Pregnant women should also be aware of the risks to their babies .
13 The risks to his person were already great simply coming down the nearly straight avenues from the Palaţul Primaverii to the Central Committee building , but the imaginary dangers threatening him in the area to the west of the hill were too great to be contemplated .
14 Arthur Koestler has commented , … every original thinker who relies , as he must , on his unconscious hunches , incurs much greater risks to his career and sanity than his more pedestrian colleagues .
15 And it might go away if he did n't listen keenly , feed it perhaps with the energy of his life , stoke it up with risks to his health and even to his sanity .
16 He admitted the strategy posed risks to his party , but said : ‘ I 've got to be prepared , to continue to be prepared , to take risky positions to keep in the game . ’
17 NETWORK SECURITY not only highlights the risks to your system and offers live demonstrations of control systems on the market , but also discusses a cost effective security strategy .
18 However there are some risks to your health from rimming from other types of infection , e.g. hepatitis , salmonella , and some parasites .
19 But we still face grave risks to our security .
20 On the one hand we know that drinking , smoking , driving and overwork involve risks to our health , and we apparently accept them .
21 Glenn has frequently been for training in one of the world 's most deadly martial arts to its home in Malaysia , where he became the only non-Malay , non-Muslim to reach the Jurulatih , or ‘ expert in technique ’ grade .
22 If they are serious in their intentions to offer the insights in the arts to which pupils have a right , then the latter should be able to expect a well considered programme , to achieve which requires extensive teacher preparation of which INSET is a part .
23 ‘ Did you feed that kind of intellectual garbage to your students ? ’
24 So those best fitted to their surroundings will be selected and be able to transmit their characteristics to their offspring .
25 They may attribute unattractive and negatively valued characteristics to their enemies or neighbours , but most certainly not to themselves .
26 Many players are guilty of having a lesson and almost expecting a magical remedy to their problems .
27 All that is intended to clear the decks because the Government think that the council tax may be the remedy to their problems .
28 Add the LM remedy to your bottle — this is now your STOCK BOTTLE .
29 Those who during the week at Lake Nona took the opportunity to ask questions about the running of America 's LPGA circuit , are convinced that it is to the players ' advantage that they leave the running of the association to its staff while they themselves concentrate on their golf .
30 I 'd had some sailing instruction before on Lake Bala , in a larger Wayfarer which has room for two people and an instructor , but I found that I was tending to leave the thinking to my partner and the instructor , and just doing what I was told without knowing why .
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