Example sentences of "[noun] it is [that] " in BNC.

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1 What an indictment it is that people wholly dependent on the state pension , with no other source of income , are now almost automatically eligible for income support .
2 ‘ If there was a problem with this piece it is that it is not unique ’ , said Millerand .
3 ‘ The mystery of the coming of a new creature is a great mystery ad incomprehensible , Mrs Virginsky , and what a pity it is that you do n't understand it . '
4 What a pity it is that the US government negotiating teams are allowed to give the impression that progress in the world trade negotiations is being held up solely by the intransigence of European farmers .
5 What a lasting pity it is that Sir Julien himself , so passionately devoted to the game , was such an abysmally poor performer .
6 What a pity it is that clients trust their dealers .
7 ‘ Oh , I was just thinking what a pity it is that all good-looking men are such beasts , ’ she said , with more real feeling than she intended .
8 For you know I often wonder what sort of morality it is that keeps men from anything but superficial intercourse with any woman but their wives : yet I hate adultery & all the intermediate stages ; and what men of free habits in this way I have known , I have detested .
9 If the book does have one central purpose it is to shed light upon the process of the changing system of higher education in Britain , and if it reaches one clear conclusion it is that both Oxford and Cambridge have performed admirably in recent years .
10 As can be seen from the above it is possible to give questions a greater focus of purpose by considering what process it is that you wish the pupils to go through .
11 You must describe to yourself precisely what behaviour it is that you are going to observe .
12 If anything is demonstrated by the USSR 's record on energy over the past decade it is that the resources , the equipment , manpower and the money do exist broadly to achieve whatever the mighty planning and executive mechanism dictates .
13 WHAT delightful news it is that Leslie Crowther , right , is back on his feet .
14 What dreadful news it is that a lethal , new form of algae pollution has been found in one of Scotland 's best known lochs , lovely Loch Awe in Argyll .
15 What good news it is that SNH have given a £7,000 grant for repair work on the path to Blaven , one of the most spectacular mountains in the Skye Cuillin .
16 If there is any criticism of this super volume it is that there are not enough explanatory captions .
17 They used to run down into the Nerd , or whatever river it is that runs through Ealing , and throw themselves in , yelling about the love of Jesus .
18 You can so aim your plot that the events you will have to describe reflect on whatever current preoccupation of society it is that has fired your imagination ; your theme .
19 Sheriffs served writs on the Royal and Ancient and the United States Golf Association and the two letter-writers say that if they are resolved of nothing else in life it is that , even if persuaded that their lavish handicaps would be significantly reduced by using Ping Eye2 clubs , they would never buy a set or play with anyone who has .
20 Again they ask of what significance it is that the metaphors used for God in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures are overwhelmingly male ? )
21 Friday twenty eighth of June passes without incident apart from a quick visit from the local constabulary asking us to consider what a dangerous stunt it is that we are trying to pull .
22 Yes , and you get all the animals who are experimented on and you sa there 's not a week that comes out and you do n't an a report saying , oh well this this , this causes cancer in rats or and you , imagine the amount , the huge amounts of the sub , whatever substance it is that had been given to rats to cause the cancer , and there 's no knowing that the amount that 's gon na be given to rats causing cancer , will give cancer to humans !
23 If the encyclopaedia has a weakness it is that it sits on the fence on controversial issues .
24 No two coalfields were the same , but if a general pattern can be discerned from the variety of experience it is that during the first half of the nineteenth century each region largely generated its own workforce from the natural increase of its population , but that the spectacular later developments drew not only upon local men who left the farms or rural crafts and industries in large numbers but also upon the surplus population of counties from all over the British Isles .
25 Let me take this opportunity to say what a wonderful thing it is that for almost fifty years now , the British government has spent huge sums of money to keep this unique library up to date .
26 Or stood in despair as your children big or little , carry on ignoring your repeated demands that they stop whatever undesirable thing it is that they are doing ?
27 If there is one unchallenged law of personal computing it is that , given half a chance , they will make something that used to be simple into a completely bewildering nightmare !
28 Equally , the discomfort associated with gonorrhoea is usually of a greater order , and men who have suffered repeated attacks of both infections can usually tell which infection it is that they have on any given occasion .
29 Rather than only training women to take on roles that have been shaped by men over the centuries , would it not be far more interesting , more expansive , to look into the questions of priestesshood , to find out what mystery it is that women can touch on , and how they can communicate it to the human world ?
30 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
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