Example sentences of "[noun] in these years " in BNC.

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1 One or two of the old films are now on CD video because they are important documents of certain artists , but the way we are filming and editing the films I am now making is completely different We have learnt a very great deal in these years and so we forget about the older films just as you would n't dream of driving around in a thirty-year-old car .
2 The chroniclers were kind to Edward in these years , aiming much of their criticism at his mistress , at those around him at court , and in 1376–7 at John of Gaunt ; but his loss of touch does much to explain the growing political factionalism in England in these years .
3 One piece of the inscribed marble base survives with them , and shows that the dedicator was a Sicilian , one of the Deinomenid family who made themselves tyrants in these years of Syracuse and other cities .
4 The railway industry had a propaganda purpose in the streamlining of outlines and in the new doctrine of modernism in these years .
5 J. C. D. Clark has asserted that government at St James 's and Westminster was conducted " in terms which usually owed relatively little to a sense of popular pressure or wide accountability " , and although he can not deny that the electorate was growing in the period c. 1680 – 1715 , he attributes this to the attempts by the party leaders to manipulate the potential electorate for their own purposes : " The parties , in other words , created their electorate in these years ( rather than vice versa ) " .
6 There remained one other tactic in these years , which had an earlier antislavery history too , designed to provide a role for individual abolitionists in England and convince them that they were contributing to advancing freedom internationally ; it was the tactic of economic boycott of slave-grown raw materials or goods produced from them .
7 Dramatic as the change in the system was , its actual contribution to the royal war-effort in these years was less impressive .
8 As it happened progress proved possible in three directions in these years — the formation of Nato 's Nuclear Planning Group ; an agreed if rather fuzzy definition of flexible response ; and the negotiation of a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty with the USSR .
9 This factor also accounts for the changes in the shares of imports taken from the Soviet Union and the developing countries in these years .
10 An example of regional differentiation within a country was Italy , where a strikingly sharper drop in fertility appeared in the north than in the south in these years .
11 The chroniclers were kind to Edward in these years , aiming much of their criticism at his mistress , at those around him at court , and in 1376–7 at John of Gaunt ; but his loss of touch does much to explain the growing political factionalism in England in these years .
12 All one can say with any certainty is that the Pounds ( and probably the Yeatses also ) paid at least two visits to Sicily in these years , and that on at least one occasion — probably on more than one — they stayed there for some weeks , if not months .
13 Unitarian tendencies were found amongst some Quakers in both England and Ireland in these years and the Liverpool abolitionist William Rathbone 's sympathetic treatment of them led to his disownment by the Friends and the passage of his family to Unitarianism .
14 ( His claim to fame in these years was the slogan ‘ Kleenex Kitchen Towels mops up like a sponge ’ for client Kimberley Clark . )
15 But at no point in these years did the Armed Forces take the initiative in resolving political disputes and at no stage was it brought into intrigue by discontented Party factions ( exempting , of course , the First Secretary himself ) .
16 He wrote many hymns and hymn translations in these years , and in 1863 the headmaster of Shrewsbury School consulted him when compiling Hymnologia Christiana .
17 It is indeed hard to see how any Unionist leader in these years could have acted against such firm convictions to put the national interest first .
18 Who if anyone was tagos in Thessaly in these years ?
19 More than 20 plasterers were resident in Bristol in these years and what seems to have happened was that the two Tyndalls brooded over rolls of Chinese wallpaper and popular books of decorative devices like The Modern Builder 's Assistant ( 1757 ) , picking up and choosing the themes and the motifs that pleased them .
20 The rapid growth of private charity in these years also gave rise to institutions demonstrating a variety of approaches to the palliation of poverty .
21 The part played by the nobility in the debates about taxation in these years has never been satisfactorily analysed , but it appears that the initiative lay almost entirely with the commons .
22 Even so , Baden-Powell 's intriguing romanticisation of what we would now call ‘ muggings ’ was not an uncommon response in these years .
23 There is undoubtedly some truth in this ; the nobility frequently sent proxies to parliament in these years ; they were too preoccupied with war to have any reason for opposing the king in parliament , and their independent campaigns on the continent took some of them away from England for several years at a time .
24 McMillan gained surgical experience in these years and when , in 1959 , he joined Paul Chin and Eric Machell , both pioneers themselves , at Southampton , they made steady progress in closed and open-heart surgery .
25 Colnaghi contributed little to American museums in these years ( the 1930s and 1940s ) and what they did sell betrayed an unwillingness to adapt to the times .
26 While the impact of renewed foreign contacts on both politics and the economy in these years was considerable , the growing power struggle within the country postponed any substantive attempt to resolve the issue of foreign relations on a long-term basis .
27 Though there is no specific reference to Dalriadic support for Oswiu in these years , the suspicion that a Dalriadic alliance was a constant factor in the Bernician situation under Oswald and Oswiu must be a strong one .
28 The impression conveyed by Wilfrid 's career in these years is of a Church still very dependent in the pursuit of its own interests , certainly in territories outside Canterbury 's sphere of influence , on the unpredictable inclination of the princes with whom it had to deal .
29 Still , there can be no doubt that the first great emigration wave of our period ( 1845–54 ) was essentially a flight from hunger or pressure of population on land , basically in Ireland and Germany , which supplied 80 per cent of all transatlantic migrants in these years .
30 So , European history is a distinguishable topic in these years .
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