Example sentences of "[noun] and go [art] " in BNC.

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1 A further decree in 1982 , this time initiated by a civilian government , reinforced state control of the banking and finance sectors and went a little way to encourage Nigerian capital to invest more in the manufacturing sector .
2 To tie in , the BFI have launched the first of four booklets to accompany the first four movies named in the series , THE WIZARD OF OZ , DOUBLE INDEMNITY , STAGECOACH and WENT THE DAY WELL .
3 You 're not doing anything with your life because as usual you 're facing in the wrong direction and going the wrong way .
4 Taff , the mortar team , and all the others who were present one day and gone the next , some to hospital in England , and others to a shallow grave here in Normandy .
5 The whole family liked to be heard , as if they wanted people to know they were alive in a world where young and old alike were here one day and gone the next .
6 ‘ In my occupation the people you meet tend to be here one day and gone the next — or I am , since I work freelance .
7 It 's just a man failing to reappear , that 's all — now you see him , now you do n't that 's the only thing that 's real : here one minute and gone the next and never coming back — an exit , unobtrusive and unannounced , a disappearance gathering weight as it goes on , until , finally , it is heavy with death .
8 ‘ It makes you realise your life can be here one minute and gone the next , ’ Alison told her mum in a trans-Atlantic telephone call .
9 Just for a week every month and go a bit over the top .
10 ‘ I finally freaked out on LSD and went a bit mad .
11 Under the whip , he spurted past Czar Alexander shortly before the line and went a length up before Piggott , the race won , dropped his hands .
12 We 'll try and be a bit more adventurous this year and go a bit further !
13 Call her Marge , you might as well call her butter and go the whole hog might n't you really ?
14 Martin ( 1976 , p. 72 ) writes that village extensions in Hampshire and Cumbria were like ‘ a series of linked housing estates with the layouts encouraging a separate identity on each estate and going no way towards promoting a sense of ‘ community ’ between the newcomers and the established residents … ’
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