Example sentences of "[noun] in [noun pl] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I mean that 's that 's one of his stock in trades he 's a superb volleyer of the ball and it was there for a second with a chance was there for a second .
2 In eighteen , in in late eighteen twelve erm with the prospect perhaps of Napoleonic rule in difficulties you see in some of Napoleon 's , some of the client states of Napoleonic Europe Spain , Naples you see constitutions being granted which are are pretty democratic actually .
3 And it may not be automatically obvious that whereas in some dictionaries " accountable " will be a separate entry in others it will appear under the general entry of " account " .
4 Consequently , a semantic theory can become plagued by a proliferation of hypothetical senses and internal contradictions in ways we shall spell out below .
5 In " fireside chats " over the radio , he spoke to people in their own homes in phrases they could easily understand .
6 Without bothering to close the door , Ludovico began to make long and passionate love to her , teaching her how to take and give pleasure in ways she had never dreamed of .
7 After two months in kennels they move on to the dog supply unit for 11 months , during which time they will be required to train at least six dogs up to the blindfold standard , and pass the guide dog trainer examination .
8 I had aches in muscles I never knew I owned .
9 For aches in limbs she would hand them Epsom salts .
10 She skidded to a halt , threw her leg over the saddle as though dismounting from a charger , and began to harangue Hugh in words he did n't understand .
11 Just as Moscow supported the creation of Communist regimes in eastern Europe after 1944 , so the Anglo — Americans had fostered liberal-democracy in areas they liberated .
12 Even when she was too tired to read she sought escape in romance-cubes she spent all her wages on at the Madreidetic shop .
13 With duplex Doppler scanning of the common femoral vein in humans we have shown a considerable reduction in peak blood flow velocity and shortening of the flow cycle during the respiratory phase on two occasions , with a return to normal venous blood flow characteristics on removal of the intraperitoneal gas .
14 Within the overall acceptance of innate sociality in humans we have tried to shift the debate on human aggression or peacefulness away from definitions and absolute categories , to an investigation of alternative moral orders in which the human person is perceived of as radically different from that constructed through the Judaeo-Christian tradition .
15 However , it was to the small farmer and small businessman , the very people who had failed to colonise the east , individuals who felt themselves beset by Poles , Jews and communists in ways they could not articulate , that the Nazis were to make their main appeal .
16 Partly due to their systematic exclusion , but also as a matter of choice , feminist artists increasingly preferred to display their work in settings they considered more appropriate to their desire to participate in the more public/political debates of feminism and a recognition of art as a communicative medium .
17 Buy new potatoes in amounts you will use immediately so that they are always fresh and tasty .
18 Because of this difference in numbers we had to exclude altogether a small area of Newham from our study , in order to achieve a sample size manageable for our purposes .
19 While , theoretically , local authorities may spend their own incomes in ways they themselves choose , the government , in calculating local government grants , increasingly indicates how it expects the authorities to allocate funds between priorities .
20 So , what are the benefits of additives in foods we commonly consume ?
21 To follow the motion of atoms in molecules it seems that the time resolution of current techniques may be sufficient , although the development of femtosecond electron diffraction ( Zewail ) should extend ultrafast measurements to molecules not observable by spectroscopy .
22 While reading cowboy stories in Moroneys I did n't feel they belonged to my life .
23 It is a truism to say that we have not yet come to terms with it , or with the changes in relationships it has brought .
24 Whether that shame is yet moving them to have an impact on the men who they see perpetrating this sort of behaviour in colleges I do n't know , but certainly some of the undergraduates I have spoken to feel very embarrassed that this is the portrait of male behaviour that 's being perpetrated .
25 Where the applicant is a respondent in proceedings it is sufficient to attach a copy of the court application form to form CLA 5 with a supplementary statement containing any required information not included in the court form .
26 A property-owning democracy , it was argued , also leads to the improvement of the housing stock since people take a greater pride in homes they own .
27 The very concept of pedagogy ( whether defined as art or science ) presupposes invention and intervention which will direct learners in ways they would not , left to their own devices , have the opportunity or inclination to pursue .
28 Yes , well said three point two million pounds in takings they 've had !
29 It is generally accepted that each person , man and woman , is made up of both masculine and feminine qualities , and it appears that in some lifetimes the masculine will have been predominant while in others it will have been the feminine .
30 ( Compare X , Y and Z in fig i ) — In some the progression is very rapid while in others it takes very many years and may only be triggered by an acute personal crisis such as retirement or when the children leave home ( the " empty nest syndrome " ) .
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