Example sentences of "[noun] in [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 For example , there might be more politics in the branches of the Young Conservatives , with the activities of committed freemarket ideologists in greater evidence .
2 It was this group which brought Murat round to the idea of a new constitution and who co-operated with Napoleon in that masterpiece of enlightened despotism , the Constitution of Bayonne .
3 Mark Twain , for example , who went to see the Great Exhibition of 1867 , wrote : ‘ ( I saw ) Napoleon in military uniform — long-bodied , short-legged man , fiercely moustached , old , wrinkled , with eyes half-closed and such a deep crafty scheming expression about them . ’
4 An observer noted that ‘ the day is happily gone by , the dark age has passed over , when the village farrier had a clyster-pipe and bladder in one pocket , and a roll of tow emerging from another , and brandishing his twitch as a weapon of offence and defence , is the only person to whom our domestic animals are entrusted ’ .
5 He recovered his manners in polite confusion .
6 Saying Grace is not always a prelude to conventional manners in Free Kirk households as I once found when asked to offer the Grace in a cottage in Point , Lewis , in which the great aunt of a friend lived .
7 What will the answer ‘ No ’ mean in this case ?
8 Merton for example discusses the social role of the intellectual in public bureaucracy — the ‘ technological ’ wing of social science where the social function of the individual introduces a bias which becomes apparent to the objective scientist .
9 In addition , he insisted on doing the stunts that were in his power himself , like Lying face-down in freezing mud for a scene that would take almost two days to shoot .
10 But there may also be another process which helps to keep the trees and the clumps in good heart .
11 Firstly , the aetiology of the cirrhosis is somewhat different ; alcoholic liver disease is less common in the elderly but there is an increased prevalence of both cryptogenic cirrhosis and primary biliary cirrhosis in this group .
12 The pretreatment with a platelet activating factor blocker in this study also prevented the development of morphologic changes in the pancreatic tissue and the increment in plasma amylase concentration .
13 Religion in Recent Art appeared in 1889 , based on lectures on pre-Raphaelite paintings and Richard Wagner 's Parsifal .
14 In the sixties he saw the clergy and the place of religion in Iranian society .
15 It was partly because of the dominant part played by the Christian religion in that society , with its emphasis on the importance of adherence to rules as the basis for personal conduct and the need for absolute standards in the life of society .
16 An element which is largely missing from both the Marxist and feminist accounts , in contrast to either the conservative- or liberal-historical approaches , is reference to the role of religion in contemporary society .
17 The inexorable way in which it became directed towards , or associated with a ‘ god ’ of some sort , can be regarded as having no other significance than to be a source of evidence that without a god and religion in some form , there would be for man an intolerable vacuum in his existence .
18 David Hay , who was director of the Religious Experience in Education Project at Nottingham University , draws attention to the taboo about religion in British society .
19 The declining importance of religion in social life in general , and in particular the declining influence of Christianity on the great moral questions of the day was ( and is ) the spur to action that has kept the NVALA going for over twenty years .
20 The aim of RE according to the phenomenologists is promoting respect for , and understanding of , religion and its significance for behaviour in such a way as to leave intact pupils ' integrity — it is not educating into religion in any way , but educating about religion understood as more than information because involving a positive and creative approach to pluralism .
21 The study , which is entitled ‘ Religion in Public Discourse : The Role of the Media ’ , will be conducted by Dr Stewart Hoover , Associate Professor of Journalism at the University 's Center for Mass Media Research and a former member of WACC 's Central Committee .
22 Pick an area of life in which you wish to move forward — perhaps health , work , relationships , money or spirituality — and scribble down whatever comes to mind about your self-image in that area ( e.g. ‘ Me and health ’ ; ‘ Me and work ’ ) .
23 The Solaris Workgroup Server for small to mid-range departments is $1,995 in single quantity .
24 The Organisers shall effect insurance covering the above- mentioned risks in such sum as shall be adequate in all the circumstances for the benefit of the Organisers and the University .
25 There could even be real health risks in such therapy .
26 In the other condition subjects viewed the same films in the same manner but described only the risks and potential risks in each section of film .
27 Doctors agree that there are no risks in regular exercise , as long as you start gently and gradually build up to the more strenuous activities . ’
28 The two main city obstetric units in Leicestershire possibly care for women with differing risk profiles , so that the excess risks in one population are offset by different excess risks in the other .
29 But from now on underwriters will be able to take on risks in any sector and brokers will no longer be forced to traipse around the market to place different strands of business with individual underwriters .
30 But from now on underwriters will be able to take on risks in any sector and brokers will no longer be forced to traipse around the market to place different strands of business with individual underwriters .
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