Example sentences of "[noun] of the social " in BNC.

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1 Bantock and Holbrook seek no reorganization of the social structure , investing their hopes for greater happiness in the power of creativity and great art to bring self-awareness and fulfilment .
2 Cognitive psychologists have also shown how belief in an overarching conspiracy can organize an individual 's perception of the social world by providing an integrated and self-sustaining system of explanation .
3 The Reverend Peter Brown , Convener of the Social Matters Committee for the Orkney Presbytery , began to investigate the actions of the Evangelical Charismatic Movement in Orkney , and whether any members of the Orkney Christian Fellowship had been at that seminar .
4 In all countries that we studied paraprofessionals constitute the bulk of the social welfare work-force .
5 This does not mean that the training of professionals is not considered important , only that it should be placed in proper perspective and that it should be accompanied by the training of the front line paraprofessionals who constitute the bulk of the social service work force ( CCETSW , 1975 ; 1981 ; 1987 ) .
6 1923 's Dancing Bar in Baden-Baden has a definite ring of the social criticism apparent in the work of most of his fellow German Expressionists .
7 Since law should be viewed basically as an instrument for realizing certain practical objectives many felt that a genuine scientific study of law must examine its functioning through the experimental methods of the social sciences .
8 Despite these various influences we should also recognize that , perhaps because of the growing differentiation of law as a separate discipline ( a process recognized by Ginsberg and associated with a positivist outlook ) , the methods of the social sciences are often not rendered explicit in the functionalist style in public law .
9 Like finance , the administration of the social services is a vast topic , which can only be touched on here .
10 However a DSS Press Release states that the Government has accepted the recommendation of the Social Security Advisory Committee to adopt an alternative approach whereby the circumstances under which unlimited arrears can apply is more explicitly defined .
11 So , under item eight which is the Community Health National Health Service Trust , call upon Councillor to move the amendmen the recommendation of the Social Services Committee .
12 Sixto Durán Ballén of the recently formed Republican Unity Party ( PUR ) , a coalition of conservative parties , won 36.1 per cent of the vote to finish ahead of Jaime Nebot Saadi , the president of the Social Christian Party ( PSC ) , who won 26.2 per cent .
13 Potoy was president of the Social Democrat Party ( PSD ) , one of the UNO parties most hostile to the government ; former PSD president Alfredo César Aguirre , the current President of the National Assembly and leader of the UNO bloc in the National Assembly , was Lacayo 's chief critic .
14 He concluded his forty-five minute address by commenting on the political factors which influenced investment location decisions and emphasised that future multi-national planners would do well to have a much more sensitive appreciation of the social and political implications of their actions .
15 Like my colleagues in Newport , I have been dismayed by the checks for people over 75 : it is not just the collection of medical facts but the appreciation of the social and personal difficulties of elderly people .
16 In November Lord Lansdowne , an aged , distinguished and highly conservative Tory politician , convinced that continuation of the war would lead to the collapse of the social order , appealed publicly for a negotiated peace .
17 The present study aims to fill an important gap , therefore , by analysing the genesis , development and eventual collapse of the social welfare system in Germany between 1918 and 1933 .
18 One possibility that has already been mentioned is anarchy , a progressive collapse of the social order because of the failure of the superego mechanisms which underpin it .
19 Now the European peoples party manifesto calls for a single currency , a central bank , the incorporation of the social chapter a common immigration policy and a constitution for the whole of Europe .
20 Almost the biggest shock of the many I had sustained on my return home was the loss of the social cachet I had enjoyed for so many years .
21 Because change occurs as a result of the social conflict resulting from the exploitation of the majority by the minority , Marx and Engels can confidently assert in the Communist Manifesto that ‘ the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles ’ .
22 A reasonable reply might be that sociologists are interested in those aspects of human behaviour that are the result of the social context in which we live .
23 Water rates and 20-per-cent local-authority rates may be passed on to the student as a result of the Social Security Act 1988 and the proposed Community Charge is also likely to increase rents still further .
24 If these multiple oasis decisions contributed to the success of a major programme of the social revolution , so too did others contribute to failures : indifference , resentment and subversion of government plans were also found in the hearths and dunes of Huaiwiri and Hawari , of Tazarbu and Rabiana .
25 Thirdly , the Labour party 's support for the social action programme of the social charter and for a minimum wage represents a political double-barrelled shotgun aimed at the working population , particularly those in lower-paid jobs .
26 Well the thi one thing you could do is go and talk to one or two admissions tutors of the social work courses .
27 it therefore determines to provide increasing opportunities for the study of the social sciences and the arts in courses of such type and standard as will demand of students the effort essential to understanding ;
28 The scope of study is , therefore , widened from exclusive concern with parents and children ( the defined ) to include study of the social workers , doctors and others who are charged with the identification and protection of children at risk ( the definers ) .
29 A loose Positivism , in the broad spirit of Comte 's Positive sociology and embracing all who thought of themselves as bringing the scientific revolution to the study of the social world , had been newly refined by the Logical Positivists .
30 This project has five aims : to extend and improve the data base by field visits , especially of urban immigrants ; to correct and improve the existing archives ; to devise ways of incorporating some qualitative detail from field notes ; to devise ways of incorporating some qualitative detail from field notes ; to devise ways of analysing and manipulating the archive to support a published account of the changes in the villages in terms of the idea of a published account of the changes in the villages in terms of the idea of a complex network of causal interactions ; and finally to collect initial experimental data in planing marriages and on finding non-agricultural employment , with a view to collaboration in a future study of the social sources and social distribution of knowledge , using data from Pakistan , turkey and London , in collaboration with Dr Michael Fischer .
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