Example sentences of "[noun] must [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And so decisions to exclude children from the National Curriculum must in turn be arbitrary in part .
2 p must of course be negative because it represents the space-charge density of electrons .
3 In addition to current and capital accounts , appropriate local authorities must by law maintain separate accounts dealing with such services as housing and transport .
4 Companies make statutory returns to Companies House ; their annual accounts must by law be fuller and more complicated than those of a sole trader or a partnership and must be laid out in a statutory format .
5 This gap must of course be filled in our score , otherwise it will sound very thin and unsatisfactory .
6 The Hindus asserted that the same rhythm must of necessity be mirrored at all stages of creation and in all domains .
7 While some of them are able to accept the situation with equanimity and wait for it to pass , others tend to panic and assume that the condition must of necessity be a permanent one .
8 TK50 and 1600bpi tape must of course be mounted /FOREIGN ; both these and the RL02 disk have the label ‘ ISSUE ’ .
9 The name and address and VAT registration number of the payee must of course appear on all invoices/receipts .
10 The condition relating to the operation , direction and control of the vessel meant that the orders for those matters must in fact come from the United Kingdom .
11 ‘ The Council must of course proceed on the basis of the vote , ’ he said .
12 Using the no boundary condition , we find that the universe must in fact have started off with just the minimum possible nonuniformity allowed by the uncertainty principle .
13 The last point must at present be a moot one , since no guide-lines have been laid down professionally on just how deeply a social worker can be involved .
14 ( Planning approvals must of course be renewed every five years . )
15 Each site must of course be judged on its merits and with skilful layout used to its best advantage .
16 The auction particulars must of course be both detailed and accurate , as they form part of the contract for sale , and are usually in the form of a glossy brochure .
17 There had earlier been an interim order which lasted for some 13 days up to 23 December 1991 and it is common ground on this appeal that the 13 days must by reason of the regulations be subtracted from the three months .
18 Success of the PC as an engineering tool must in part be due to its expansion bus and the fact that nearly every type of facility can be found on a PC card .
19 Any theist committed to the view that God is omnipresent must by definition believe that there is evidence of God 's presence in the reality observed on earth .
20 What a man experiences in the privacy of his psyche must of necessity remain inviolate and inviolable .
21 This exclusion of higher education from consideration by sociologists of education must in part be due to the fact that higher education is not compulsory ; it is perhaps difficult to argue that something which is a matter of choice can in any sense be repressive .
22 When personal representatives sell without first effecting registration of their title , proof thereof and of the death of the registered proprietor must of course be lodged : a copy of the grant of probate or letters of administration certified as a true copy by the seller 's conveyancers ( when acting for a buyer you should make this requirement the subject of one of your requisitions on title ) is sufficient evidence .
23 Darwin 's theory provides a classic example of how difficult it is to draw a sharp distinction between ‘ natural history ’ and ‘ biology ’ : the process of evolution must of necessity mediate between the reproductive process that maintains the population and the environment to which the population must adapt .
24 dick must of fell off did you have the answer right or not ?
25 To capture the sound of a band or orchestra , the head must of necessity be placed several metres away , and the result is disappointing .
26 And such behaviour must of course be the expression of a psychobiological apparatus that needs description .
27 All sensible people must with shame agree that it is a disgrace to our nation that we Germans are trying to suppress a German , to whom foreign countries have done justice by their great admiration and even by public acknowledgments in writing .
28 Of these three , bad environment must of course be taken seriously , and it was not suggested that environmental factors did not play an important part in health deterioration , but ‘ environment is not the only factor so operative and possibly not the most important one ’ ( M'Gonigle and Kirby , 1936 , p. 148 ) .
29 ( 2 ) If there are two or more causes of action and a payment in satisfaction is made for each separately , the notice must in respect of each cause of action identify it and give the figure applicable to it " stating " nil " if such be the case ( Ord 11 , r 1(5) ) .
30 There tends to be an easy assumption that satisfactory job training exists because everyone who remains in post in a library must of necessity have learnt to do his job to at least minimum standards … ’
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