Example sentences of "[noun] down on the " in BNC.

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1 His relief at not having been made a fool of was matched by his curiosity to find out who the devil he was , this man Iying chest down on the wet flagstones , face turned to one side as though asleep .
2 Triumphantly , he slapped a wodge of notes down on the polished mahogany counter , as if anxious to be rid of it , and snatching a 12 bore from the gunsmith , he strode out into the square .
3 So you thought gliding was a pleasant way of spending leisure time away from the cares and woes down on the ground .
4 Among the many booksellers and publishers whom I spotted letting their hair down on the dance floor was independent publisher Christopher Hurst .
5 Ronan Rafferty : " I let Christy down on the greens .
6 They were on the brow of a little hill and Sara walked farther on to look down on the county spread in front of her , idly trying to recognise familiar landmarks — It was a travel-ad view — neat lush fields , trim hedgerows , a farmhouse nestling in amongst its windbreak of trees , a sheet of yellow on the far hills where a field of mustard was in bloom , and for the rest , a thousand different shades of the greens of high summer , a piece of England basking in the sun and as beautiful as any foreign strand .
7 The bouncer — bullies , as they were called in Dublin — stepped away from Lee , and eased the hammers down on the shotgun .
8 His voice was offhand , as he strode in and put his neat briefcase down on the desk .
9 At last Couville put his goblet down on the floor beside him .
10 Clinton put his goblet down on the table , bade us good night and walked softly away .
11 Three months into the financial year — for which the directors were forecasting 25 per cent growth in turnover , to £4 million — Tozer admits sales are ‘ a bit down on the plans to date ’ .
12 When we were kill-pricking we used to put a sack down on the floor and lie on our bellies using a bodkin to clear holes .
13 I lay the bike down on the grass , turn back to the shed , slowly push open the door … peer inside … without entering .
14 I watched the cars stopping to pay their money at the toll-house and wondered if any of the drivers were tempted to put their foot down on the accelerator and go Zoom-Crash ! down to the bottom of the gorge .
15 The thought of Norman 's discomfiture at finding her gone cheered her a little and she pressed her foot down on the accelerator , anxious to distance herself from the three of them , to reach the safety of home .
16 He had rammed his foot down on the accelerator , the Mercedes shot forward , the little grey 's neck jerked frantically and she cartwheeled violently in the air crashing to the ground , to be dragged ten feet before Angel braked .
17 Pushing his foot down on the accelerator , Anthony thrust the car forward .
18 The man pocketed the wallet , and jabbed his foot down on the accelerator .
19 I had to make haste now or I would be late , so I threw my kit in the back of the Porsche , threaded my way through the traffic on the Kingston By-pass and then put my foot down on the M3 , keeping a wary eye open for the police .
20 ‘ They 're on to us , ’ he groaned , wondering whether he should put his foot down on the accelerator instead .
21 She put her foot down on the pedal and the car leaped forward .
22 He rammed his foot down on the brake and sent the car into a fizzing convulsion of rev and whinny .
23 ‘ Honestly , Reg … ’ began Bob , trying to get one foot down on the floor behind him .
24 The engine fired and she pushed her foot down on the accelerator so that the fierce roar echoed her feelings of pent-up frustration .
25 I had n't slammed my foot down on the brake .
26 He jammed his foot down on the accelerator and the car shot forward .
27 Here is one of those places , then , where the frontier does not follow the ridge of the mountains , but takes a sudden dive down on the French side .
28 The inevitable happened and I was off , dangling upside down on the end of the rope seconds later , 30 feet below , parallel to my climbing companions .
29 He delighted in the blue tits which hung upside down on the peanuts Jane put out , yet his job was killing chickens — just because there was no other work .
30 Indeed , I sat there in the muggy warmth until the balding , bull-necked scruff of a proprietor or manager started to put the chairs upside down on the swabbed tables — a peculiar custom which is surely unhygienic enough to be banned by law .
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