Example sentences of "[noun] only for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It cleverly created its Polo brand to exploit Americans ' nostalgia for an English country life which never really existed except in Hollywood movies , and has been careful to use the brand only for top-of-the-range products .
2 For the USA ( whose stock markets open roughly when the Helsinki Stock Exchange closes ) and the world index , there was a significant positive correlation with returns on FOX index futures only for lagged values of US and world index returns .
3 A second point , raised by Brown and his colleagues ( 1986c ) concerned the decision by Henderson to analyse the role of support only for those women completely free from any psychiatric symptoms .
4 A Pakistani Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesman described the Washington Post interview as " distorted " and added , as reported on Radio Pakistan on Feb. 9 , that Pakistan had " considerable capability in the nuclear field " but had decided to use that capability only for peaceful purposes and not to produce nuclear weapons .
5 DRDOS seems to have drivers only for 286 and upwards machines but I eventually got EMM.SYS which was also to be found locked away in my ROM and got the machine to recognise the expanded memory .
6 He 's a boringly faithful husband , eyes only for one woman , etcetera .
7 It was as if they were the only two people on earth ; oblivious to the crowds who poured from the factory entrances as the day shift ended and who milled around them , they had eyes only for each other .
8 The reorganization took account of the fact that many republican television and radio committees had become independent of the Gosteleradio structure , and the new Corporation would be an umbrella administration only for Soviet Central Television , Leningrad Television , All-Union Radio and Moscow Radio World Service .
9 Besides the ordinary shops accessible to anyone — selling subsidized goods but often with bare shelves — are the ‘ commercial ’ shops only for those who can afford it .
10 The Immigration Officer refused , saying : ‘ I am not satisfied that you are genuinely seeking entry only for this limited period . ’
11 There can be nothing really ‘ clinching ’ in philosophy : ‘ proofs ’ and ‘ disproofs ’ hold only for those who adopt certain premisses ‘ who are willing to follow certain rules of argument , and who use their terms in certain definite ways .
12 But these glistening globes , though blown by the panting thousands , lived in that rain of ash only for frustrating fractions of a second .
13 The GX product provides the same function as RDS only for graphical applications and the developer does n't have to take source code and recompile .
14 aware that erm the retention of this site is essential for expansion , since the British Library after forty years in construction has room for , will have room only for twelve hundred readers not many more than Great Russell Street while the French National Library which has taken only five years to build and will be completed next year , will have room for three-and-a-half-thousand readers .
15 With all of the GDR 's western frontier open , the Wall is the most convenient crossing point only for those who want to go no further than the Kurfurstendamm .
16 It 's cash only for all trips costing less than twenty-five pounds , of course .
17 And again to spell that out erm the way it needs to work in practice I believe is that in its local plan a local authority should be able to define a site which it would regard as suitable for development only for these strategically important reasons .
18 More recent investigations with rat jejunal brush border membrane vesicles , however , have found evidence only for passive transport .
19 Hospitality : More beds are needed especially to accommodate the German team on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights , and a few for Friday night only for long distance Medau performers — please ask in your classes ( ten mile radius from Croydon or along the route from Dover preferred ) and send offers to .
20 Both the bottom-up and top-down methods used by analysts usually provide growth forecasts only for two years ahead .
21 In America the organisational style is geared to mobilize people only for specific projects .
22 Above all , what is clear is that this has become a poker game only for those with the steadiest of nerves .
23 In each text , the first two sentences set up a context that makes a different one of these two structures more plausible by allowing fully referential success only for that one structure .
24 Such treatment is reserved by this Government only for those who are some of the most vulnerable in our society .
25 Such dreary teaching could be eliminated if literature were separated from language , theory from practice , and literature became the chosen subject only for those who had a particular aptitude for it , or a desire to learn to criticize and analyse .
26 This is why the breast ( wing muscles ) of chickens are white , because chickens use their wings only for short rapid flights , whereas their legs , used mainly for standing on , are dark .
27 The mothers were given milk-with-soya to drink for two days or soya only for two days — there was an interval of two , four or six days between the milk challenges .
28 These days I seek out radical publishers only for nostalgic reasons .
29 There are systems of fitting a bead on one line into any of a series of keyholes on another but to date only for light loads on small kites .
30 This is the challenge of real democracy ; it 's very simple to espouse freedom of expression only for those you agree with .
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