Example sentences of "[noun] than [art] man " in BNC.

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1 Seething at the thought that acne-ridden new savers were getting a better deal than a man of his maturity and substance , he retired like a wounded beast to its lair to ponder the problem .
2 Come to that , she had much better legs than a man of Gav 's mental age deserved .
3 He had even spoken — interminably — at the famous meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science , held at Oxford in 1860 , when Huxley allegedly scored his victory over Bishop Wilberforce with the retort that he would rather have an ape for an ancestor than a man who used his privileged position to pronounce on matters he knew nothing about .
4 But , within a family , it is much less common for a woman to be listed as ratepayer than a man .
5 He was surprised to see Mrs Brocklebank and slightly more surprised to see Ben Brocklebank whom he had never absolutely believed in before , thinking him more an excuse than a man , someone Mrs B. sheltered behind when it suited her not to do something .
6 A man who became 40 just before or just after 1 January 1986 is much more likely to contribute a death to the numerator than a man who became 40 in the early days of 1985 or the last days of 1986 .
7 Moreover , there is such a difference between one man and another that the man of 70 may still be at a higher level than the man of 20 at his peak : although the latter , starting so to speak from a lower level , will normally reach the later age at a much lower point than the former .
8 For some organisations objectives are rather more like a woman shopping than a man shopping .
9 Her disadvantages are : I. That she has less technical skill than a man and is not so useful all round .
10 Yet it is hard to see why this defendant who has succeeded in terrorising a victim into submission should be any less guilty of rape than the man who threatens a woman that if she does not submit he will , there and then , overcome her resistance .
11 All that is required is that she should climb better , harder , in more desperate circumstances than every man on the planet and we men will accept her as an equal .
12 He had a great sense of humour and was more like a teenager than a man nearing retirement .
13 I think it 's worse for a woman than a man .
14 The son of a Jat farmer outside Delhi , by the age of thirteen she was already refusing to work in the fields , saying that she felt more like a woman than a man .
15 What she is really saying , after all this time , is that it is more important for a woman than a man to look good .
16 A woman 's liver is also more readily damaged by alcohol than a man 's .
17 In The Godfather , Don Corleone says : ‘ A lawyer with a briefcase can rob more money in a week than a man with a gun can take in a year . ’
18 Now , with Iran-contra , it summoned up the snoozing president ; a leader who , despite all appearances , put no more of his substance into government than the man behind the curtain in The Wizard of Oz .
19 Hardly was he around the corner than the man in the parked car climbed out , crossed the road and let himself in to the apartment-block .
20 Because I mind one night , just a few weeks before he left t'mill for good — and by gum he looked sick then , more like a shadow than the man he was before the war — well , we were all out wi ’ a lad as was getting married in a rush , you know .
21 If he is drunken and disillusioned , owns a taxi or spends most of his time chasing higher academic qualifications with the express view of escaping from the job he is doing ( and all this happens very frequently in practice ) , he will be of considerably less value to the children under his care than a man or woman with humbler qualifications but greater maturity , integrity and interest in children .
22 Having laid the groundwork of his interest , the politician had to be ready when election time rolled around again , and at that point an incumbent who could re-apply to constituents whom he had frequent occasion to meet , and ask them for a continuation of their friendship , without suggesting for a moment that any of them had a duty to support him in recognition of an implied bargain for past favours , was in a far stronger position than a man whose only contacts with his constituents took the form of patronage letters .
23 erm There 's a kind of assumption that if something , if somebody does something on a Sunday afternoon , for lack of better , something better to do or because it 's raining and golf is therefore , therefore off , that he therefore does it in a truer , sincerer way than a man who might be doing it as his career , for his income , to keep his family alive and so on .
24 Suddenly an evil face , more like an animal than a man , looked at us from behind the rock .
25 In the admittedly biassed complaint sent to the Duke of Montrose by Mungo Graeme of Gorthie in 1716 , Gorthie 's brother , John Graeme , does appear more likely to have proven an effective revenue officer than the man whom Campbell interest placed in the post of land surveyor :
26 And he is a more consistently accurate tactical kicker from the base of the scrum than the man he replaced .
27 ‘ He is more of an idea than a man , ’ he said .
28 ‘ He is more an idea than a man . ’
29 A woman retiring at 60 will get a lower pension from a PP than a man would at 65 , even if she has paid in the same amount over the same number of years .
30 Do you think it 's harder to be a women than a man in today 's world ?
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