Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] [prep] children " in BNC.

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1 Organisations may pay for just the employee and spouse to view accommodation or may make provision for children to go too .
2 And again arrangements are made between schools and the university to accommodate groups of children , or
3 In addition , it defined the responsibilities and rights of parents ; established the Scottish Examination Board to conduct Scottish Certificate of Education ( SCE ) examinations ; set up committees for negotiating teachers ' pay settlements , laying down procedures for arbitration where agreement could not be reached ; and made provision for children with special educational needs .
4 The price includes en-suite accommodation , chalet maid service , nonstop entertainment , swimming pools , sports facilities and planned activities for children of all ages .
5 1986 ) , and the problems compounded by the difficulty in maintaining contacts between children and their birth parents ( see Millham et al . ,
6 In education , the Tories had erected ladders for children to climb .
7 The paintings combine fragments from children 's books , allusions to classical history , intimate feelings , and ironic reflections on the personality of the artist a cardboard hero like any other .
8 Arguments that balconies and swimming pools pose dangers for children are unlikely to get very far .
9 This year the play scheme , which is open to children of school age and upwards , has won funding from Children in Need to provide subsidised places and help towards transport costs .
10 In the world outside school there will not always be a teacher around to point out weaknesses and suggest improvements in children 's information-handling .
11 One of these smart socialites who belied her appearance was Elaine Blond ( then Elaine Laski ) who often went to Harwich to escort parties of children to London .
12 When she was younger she used to write books for children .
13 It is worth noting , as an aside , that though this may seem obvious , one has only to observe parents with children , or to catch oneself as a parent saying ‘ Do n't be so childish ! ’ to one 's three-year-old , to realize that the reminder remains necessary .
14 In school , teachers show what they expect of children in terms of work and behaviour , they provide models for children by their own conduct and they feed back to children what they judge to be acceptable performance .
15 ( 1980 ) and Wood , McMahon and Cranstoun ( 1980 ) in relation to the nursery , must make us question the claims that schools provide a linguistically rich environment , able to provide compensation for children believed to be linguistically deprived at home .
16 This special pleading is , no doubt , partly emotional but it might very well include reference to children 's lack of knowledge and understanding .
17 Early word uses , as well as later ones , provide insight into children 's hypotheses about word meanings and the conceptual categories on which the hypotheses appear to be based ( e.g. , Clark , 1983b ; Donaldson and McGarrigle , 1974 ) .
18 In either case , the political implication is that denying rights to children is entirely justified , and there the matter rests .
19 They attack the status quo by pointing out that the reasons given for denying rights to children are bad reasons , and then explicitly or implicitly deny them duties for no reason at all .
20 Special schools provide education for children with special needs , on the grounds that they can not be educated satisfactorily in an ordinary school .
21 The Public Health Laboratory Service ( UK ) , in a study of 9880 patients in England and Wales with presumed infective diarrhoea , found 5% of children aged between one and four years had Cryptosporidium in the stool .
22 It introduced the concept of ‘ special educational needs ’ , recommending that it replace categorisation of children by the ten existing statutory categories of handicap .
23 The dialogue , entitled ‘ KIDS-92 ’ , was organised by KIDLINK , an international organisation concerned to establish communication between children worldwide .
24 Clear up any pet droppings immediately as they may contain a parasite which causes toxicara in children .
25 She asked me to have two trees planted in the school playing field in her memory to provide shade for children in the summer .
26 If they want care for children , then they have to provide more cash . ’
27 Section 20 imposes a duty on local authorities to provide accommodation for children in certain circumstances .
28 Some later public monuments also included portraits of children , and by the second century AD the notion of including portraits of children in public monuments had spread to some highly influential provincial families .
29 Traffic fumes " pose risk to children "
30 There was also ‘ more than a little evidence ’ that other people 's cigarette smoke causes glue ear in children .
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