Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [that] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The distribution of records produced by a given algorithm should be checked to see that this will not occur .
2 Although Bouton and his collaborators have failed to establish context-specificity after simple conditioning , they would not want to claim that such an effect can never be seen — there is ample evidence from experiments using rather different training procedures that a change of context can produce a performance deficit .
3 ‘ I do not want to labour the failures of the past but I do want to emphasise that many of the problems that are now being tackled are the legacy of past management failure . ’
4 In 1865 several experimenters were on the brink of discovering the important principle of self-excitation , and early in 1866 he presented a paper to the Royal Society on ‘ A New and Powerful Generator of Dynamic Electricity ’ , but failed to realize that practical self-excitation was within his grasp .
5 Yet most would want to agree that such belief ought not to be contradictory in any way ( while bearing in mind the distinction between paradox and contradiction referred to at the end of Chapter 6 ) .
6 In the late morning he locked his safe , checked to see that all of his desk drawers were secured , and shut down his terminal .
7 Reports tend to confirm that most of the fish have completed spawning activities and seem ready to feed .
8 Mosley revolted over the wrong crisis , for he failed to see that considerable social and economic reform would result from a Second World War , a conflagration which he bitterly opposed and which led to his internment in 1940 .
9 She was irritated to find that one essential item at least was missing , and made a mental note to have someone telephone for it immediately .
10 The arguments in Beyond the Pleasure Principle which sought to establish that all organisms aim at death , a return to the state of inanimate matter , were admitted by Freud to be ones which could be overthrown by later biological research .
11 And we are fascinated to know that this approach has been shown to be so effective in a remote part of the Far East where our cassettes are transported on the back of a motorcycle !
12 The train lover was fascinated to find that most journeys are undertaken on the railway because Chinese roads are not up to Western standards .
13 In the first place they may want to do no more than ensure that the Constitution is not altered casually or carelessly or by subterfuge or implication ; they may want to secure that this important document is not lightly tampered with , but solemnly , with due notice and deliberation , consciously amended .
14 The previous discussion has emphasized that black workers were recruited for particular types of jobs in specific sectors of the British economy .
15 Recent work in the philosophy and sociology of science has emphasized that experimental results are rarely adequate for making a definitive choice between competing theories .
16 Whatever the nature of price adjustment costs , one important development in establishing the micro-foundations of Keynesian wage or price rigidity has emphasized that these costs need not be substantial to lead to rigidities which can have important macroeconomic consequences .
17 Recent reconnaissance has emphasized that this source was not merely remote from the centres which it served , but that it could be operated only under conditions of some rigour .
18 So if you want to see that old mother of yours it 'll have to be by road . ’
19 I am aware that much of what I am saying makes me sound like some ageing Pollyanna who just wants to pretend that all is sweetness and light .
20 Federman has recognized that this is a staple feature of his works .
21 Alan Callandine , the Midland Railway Trust 's Development Officer , has commented that this is a great opportunity to ride behind this wonderful locomotive which is normally only seen hauling main steam charters .
22 Warren Young has commented that this development ‘ demonstrates the uncertainty and ambiguity inherent in the New South Wales approach . ’
23 Grant has commented that this represents ‘ the clearest and least restrictive legislation authorisation for positive planning that now exists ’ .
24 The US Environmental Protection Agency has calculated that these unregulated substances could , if they are not incorporated into the Montreal Protocol , account for 40 per cent of stratospheric chlorine levels by 2075 .
25 He ( or she ) needs to realize that considerable analysis needs to be conducted in order to form sound judgements of cash flows and underlying uncertainties for large projects , and that too ready a move into discounted cash flow ( DCF ) calculations may give the impression of sophisticated analysis which disguises the inadequacy of the underlying assumptions .
26 The Court of Appeal has intimated that such cases are appropriate cases for the grant of extensions of the time allowed for appealing ( Legal Aid Handbook , 1990 ) .
27 An inquest has heard that former Oxford United footballer Tommy Caton died from a massive heart attack brought on by chronic alcohol abuse .
28 The reason why many ethologists would now prefer to explain ritualization as an arms race is that they have increasingly come to realize that selfish competition among individuals is the rule in the animal world .
29 We have come to realize that many of us will not see the improvements in our quality of life , as this is going to take a long time .
30 Any devout follower of Sigmar is allowed a WP test to sense that this chamber is unlike the rest of the Castle , somehow more wholesome ( Cleric of Sigmar +20 , Initiate of Sigmar +10 ) .
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