Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Later Helen told Maureen that they had intended to wait until nearer the time to announce their news , but that seemed the right moment .
2 Do not forget to take a full driving licence if you intend to drive whilst abroad .
3 Codemasters ' director David Darling said : ‘ The fact that Sega has chosen to wait to sue until just before our commercial launch shows this is a blatant attempt to keep us from the market they control . ’
4 Then , while going through a divorce , I literally forgot about the fish ; the filter broke down and his tank became polluted as well as becoming overgrown with algae .
5 Shall I to him make know as yet my change and give him to partake full happiness with me ?
6 If the family finances have been badly affected by the patient 's stroke , you may have to go to work as well as making provision for caring for the patient .
7 But the last time I tried they did n't want to know because well nobody will take responsibility .
8 I 've bought that erm raspberry jam and some strawberry jam for us , I did n't realize that this would want replenishing as well
9 Opium was probably known in Roman if not in Greek times , and was used to promote sleep as well as to relieve pain .
10 And I said oh that 's right , he said and I , I 'd come up and see her the first we 'll either take her out for a drink afterwards , I thought that does n't seemed to mix in one glass , and I going to a pub because she 's , but there you are , and she so 's erm , can I bet you 'll stay a bit , she said oh , I think December is your like it to be , well obviously it 's getting him settled you must n't over , she must off pushed him and then he 's said erm , I , I 've told mum and dad that if they want to go as well , they can go .
11 Do you know bootlegging as well there 's another one , you see the tapes in machines , yeah ?
12 They want to know whether today 's men are better fathers , whether men will ever open up at the breakfast table , whether male impotence is on the rise , whether men suffer from their own form of menopause , whether men will cultivate any interest in pastimes more enlightened than football and snooker .
13 Cos you , here he needs to know as well , do n't you ?
14 Few American businessmen believe that their economy has fared as well as Germany 's , but it has .
15 The King 's Private Secretary , Lord Stamfordham , wrote to MacDonald to say that the King was ‘ profoundly impressed with Sir Arthur Balfour 's letter to you — his review of the critical condition of affairs will , in His Majesty 's opinion , bring home to his Ministers that the time has come when even emergency measures may be necessary in order to avert a calamity which , as Sir Arthur Balfour states , is not altogether incompatible with that of the Great War .
16 We have to try to work as best we can and pray . ’
17 AN Alton man , who was caught driving while more than two and a half times over the legal alcohol limit , has been banned from the roads for 22 months .
18 Miranda wants to know as soon as you 're allowed visitors .
19 Eggs begin to develop as soon as they are warmed to , and maintained at , the correct temperature , so each egg laid by the mallee fowl starts developing as soon as the female deposits it in the incubator .
20 More usually , ads for these types of product can be found with extensive and detailed copy — but copy designed to sell as well as , sometimes , inform .
21 If attention and eyes are on the washing-up , it is unwise to try to speechread as well and frustrating to stop in the middle to look at the speaker ( possibly expensive in breakages too ! )
22 And this shifting between the past and almost- present is equally felt in the choreography — it contains some of the cleanest , most authoritative classical dance Page has produced while simultaneously suggesting modern bodies and modern mores in the way the dancers loll negligently on the floor or challenge each other 's strength .
23 A congenital abnormality is considered corrected when early paediatric surgery results in there being practically no residual defect , or no or minimal after effects .
24 Oh this has got as well .
25 Manager McGrath has watched as both Cavan and Fermanagh have been caught napping in the championship so far and does not want a similar fate to befall his side .
26 The provisions below apply to cases where a claim other than one for money is made ( Ord 11 , r 3(1) ) and since unliquidated damages can not be the " whole sum " to which Ord 11 , r 2 ( above ) applies they appear to apply as well where unliquidated damages are claimed .
27 At dinner he was utterly silent and tried to leave as soon as he had eaten sufficient but before the table was cleared .
28 As a TO one wants to do as well as one can , and the paradox is that the better one does in a sense the worse it is for the voluntary movement , who should be persuaded to do the maximum rather than the minimum .
29 All teachers should be given time to get to know the machines they are expected to use as well as the materials they will use with them .
30 Try not to do it as you go , I mean , try to have a very definite idea in your mind what you want to do cos otherwise , you know , you start off , you 've painted half of it grey and think oh do n't like it like this bit !
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