Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [adv] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 The YCs got punished more than anybody else and had a really hard time .
2 Patterns of dots from a painting program tend to fall apart when enlarged or coagulate into muddy puddles if reduced .
3 Consider , for instance , the ability of the male praying mantis to continue copulating whilst the female steadily devours him from the head end downwards , or for the head end of a wasp to continue eating even when severed from the abdomen .
4 The Old World monkeys tend to sit upright when at rest and many have special thick-skinned sometimes brightly coloured pads on their rear ends .
5 The river bottom was ridged sand , a difficult and unkind footing , that combined with the cold and the rush to make me want to go fast while forcing me to go slow .
6 We should not want to go slower than 1/200th second because of camera movement and , for a bright day , f8 at 1/200th with ASA 200 rated film will give a result .
7 and I , I always felt if we have a change onto this er new system of er , of these quilts , I , I you know , I were n't too sure , but once you 've changed I do n't think you 'd ever want to go back because in winter time when it 's a bit cooler and you put more blanket on to keep warmer and then it becomes heavy
8 In fact , she did n't want to go anywhere unless he came with her .
9 The justification for this view is partly pragmatic ; as Cohen puts it , ‘ it would be a mistake to refrain from taking those explanatory steps which are open to us , just because we should prefer to go farther than our current knowledge permits ’ .
10 er and in any , in any event there are a number of things I tend to miss altogether if I want to er keep to timetable which I and I , I 'm sure you 're , all the , the audience or group or whatever you like to call it that will welcome an extension of the talk .
11 Just as well you agreed to go quietly when Kenneth suggested it was time you went to bed ; though apparently he and Hamish practically had to carry you upstairs , and the whole way up you were muttering something vile about Lewis being thrown naked into a tub of starving Elephant Leeches . ’
12 They would wait five miles ahead , not daring to go further because of my leg .
13 WHITBREAD yesterday denied that the 12 deals it is finalising to lease more than 1,000 pubs to regional brewers and pub chains go against government orders , aimed at loosening the big brewers ' tie .
14 Although I can not give a date , we intend to proceed just as soon as we can resolve the question of the contract .
15 ‘ In my experience ’ , ’ she mimicked , ‘ men hate hanging around while women shop . ’
16 They tend to work effectively when a balance of roles is present in their composition .
17 Bradshaw and Millar found that about two-thirds ( 62 per cent ) of lone mothers on income support said that they did not want to work immediately although they would want to work in the future .
18 ‘ But Olechea was playing a winner 's game and he failed to come through because of his cowardice .
19 Wild animals tend to hide away when they fall ill or are injured , and those in captivity try to do the same , but it 's almost impossible for them .
20 ‘ I literally found about our endorsement of used motor-oil from someone I was phoning to find out whether the stuff was OK , ’ says the group 's Education Programme Co-ordinator at the time , Dave Bruer .
21 That 's a really fine line right there because some bands tend to come across as doing a speed metal/jazz fusion .
22 Julian Wood , a partner with liquidators Sterling Ford , said there are ‘ significant deficiencies ’ with losses expected to total more than £200,000 .
23 The council 's working party on grants to cultural organisations took no decision on payments expected to total more than £2 million in 1993-94 .
24 Mr Knight , who was a county councillor for Harwich for 12 years , said he was very upset at the latest snub but did not want to comment further until he had considered his next move .
25 ‘ He might want to find out if I was back yet .
26 I did not want to find out if it was friendly .
27 … not particularly comforting , since many of the goals which we as a nation set ourselves , the policies which we pursue and the material objectives to which we attach importance tend to increase rather than to diminish the incidence of crime .
28 An important feature of such costs is that they tend to increase rather than decrease with sales volume .
29 It wo n't want to stand around while we talk ; and if we get off its back and tie it to a fence , it will dig a hole in the ground through sheer impatience .
30 Nor with the grumbling of people who did n't want to stand up when they 'd just sat down .
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