Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [prep] those " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Who 'd want to go to those places ? ’
2 Do you want to see to those , or what ? ’
3 Most editors and journalists are perfectly honest about the fact that when they need help they tend to go to those PROs who have been helpful in the past .
4 Karajan 's response to Honegger 's Symphonie liturgique and its near contemporary , Strauss 's Metamorphosen , of which he made the first recording in 1947 , provides specifically musical evidence of Karajan 's priorities and allegiances that I have yet to see considered by those who have become so concerned to analyse and recycle often erroneous information about his alleged political sympathies before and during the Second World War .
5 The working man was so successfully emancipated that he ( and even more , polls suggest , his wife ) ceased to defer to those who said they were his public spokesmen .
6 These results , which show that Blacks and Whites are similar in some aspects of their attitude to the police , tend to differ from those in some other studies ( such as the P.S.I .
7 I shall say something this morning about the negotiation on political union , in which I am most closely involved , but I do not want to concentrate on those themes today , because the world has not obligingly stood still as we prepare the approach to Maastricht .
8 Why you always want to go with those ignorant worthless people ! ’
9 everybody has to go through those moments . ’
10 In between the two mosques , in the great arc of roofs and terraces which surmounted the houses of Shahjehanabad , I saw for the first time that secret Delhi which lies hidden from those who only know the city from ground level .
11 And that was the sort of level of detail to which we thought we might need to go in those districts where it is demonstrated to us , of the district do need to be considered differently .
12 The third area I need to take you through is some erm typographical amendments to the resolutions that you have in front of you , so if you just bear with me I proposed to go through those and perhaps if you want to mark them on the sheets as I go through and if I 'm going too fast erm just wave .
13 has responded to those by , for example , over this year there has been closed circuit television at one of the Park and Rides — I think it 's Thornhill — in consultation with the Police , and the Police have told us that that has reduced the number of crimes that have occurred and we have put
14 ‘ It has touched me deeply that much of this has come from those of you who have troubles of your own . ’
15 It has touched me deeply , but much of this has come from those of you who have troubles of your own .
16 Not surprisingly , a counter-attack has come from those who believe that the state is still the dominant actor in international relations .
17 Was he human , semi-human , immaculately conceived or was he just a human being who recognised that evil was becoming widespread in the world , and that mankind was in danger of becoming dominated by those who had much to lose if it were suppressed ?
18 As you work on the pronunciation of the vowels and consonants in the new language you will of course need to concentrate on those that are unfamiliar and difficult .
19 Scotland 's role in Europe has featured in those exchanges .
20 Clinton has seen off those who have had the guts to compete for the prize .
21 It was an act familiar to anyone , that is almost everyone , who has suffered from those self-inflicted illnesses that inspire only a feeling of wanting to curl up in a ball and be alone .
22 And Bentham made explicit claims as to the benefits which could be expected to accrue to those who employed the principles on which his " inspection-houses " were founded .
23 has collected in those areas fairly extensively .
24 I note that my hon. Friend the member for East Lothian ( Mr. Home Robertson ) has moved to those Benches in an attempt to put the imbalance right .
25 Picture cards These might be classified and sorted according to those that look alike , those that are of a particular colour or design , etc .
26 The British press , it could be hoped , would play down its finding in a ‘ responsible ’ way as it has done with those of the European Commission of Human Rights in 19761 and the European Court of Human Rights in 1977 .
27 Society — for what it has done to those who are trapped by the forces of the big city .
28 The view of human nature as fundamentally aggressive can be expected to prevail in those domains where it corresponds with social and cultural ideology .
29 We want to grow in those areas where we are strong and our growth in the 1990s will outpace that of the 1980s by a significant amount .
30 Coming in by train to Waverley I tried to identify with those tourists ‘ seeing ’ Edinburgh Castle for the first time .
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