Example sentences of "[verb] [verb] [verb] over " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Now she feels the time has come to hand over to someone else .
2 IBM Corp has decided to hand over support of its point-of-sale systems in the US to Eastman Kodak Co , Rochester , New York : the two will ‘ develop a dedicated store systems service organisation to provide maintenance service on current and future IBM point of sale products ’ .
3 The ministry said yesterday that it has had to hand over the file to the European Commission , which is investigating the Rover deal .
4 AEG has had to hand over to Deutsche Aerospace its lucrative aerospace and defence division , its second-largest unit .
5 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
6 ‘ I 'm always on the lookout for players who will benefit Derry City and Ian has agreed to come over for a month initially , ’ said Coyle .
7 The higher , reasoning brain has handed control over to the instinctive brain .
8 To ensure the successful flotation of all 10 , the Government has attempted to gloss over differences and has reconstructed the authorities financially to make them seem equally attractive .
9 Mr Gillespie wrote back accepting the contents of the letter but since his 65th birthday he has refused to hand over the shares .
10 Around 3,000 Kuwaiti families were reported to have crossed over into Saudi Arabia on the first day , and many of them confirmed reports of widespread killing and looting by Iraqi forces .
11 This week , he was relief-managing a pub in Rotherham and I 'd arranged to drive over to see him after 11 p.m .
12 None seemed to begrudge handing over the thousands of dollars in tolls payable in cash by each ship to the Canal Commission , which brought in more than £150 million in 1988 .
13 The Guidance states : no decision to initiate proceedings should be taken without clear evidence that provision of services for the child and his family ( which may include an accommodation placement voluntarily arranged under s20 ) has failed or would be likely to fail to meet the child 's needs adequately and that there is no suitable person prepared to apply to take over care of the child under a residence order ( para 3.10 ) .
14 The hire car would be running up a heavy bill , but apart from the advance that he 'd had to hand over Forester had no intention of paying it .
15 ‘ Other than dying , nothing more terrible than one of your kind getting her claws into him and then refusing to let go over all the years he spent struggling to free himself . ’
16 He was wearing a blue fleecy sleeping suit embroidered with ducks from which his round face seemed to have spilled over , still and pink as a porcelain , Painted doll , the delicate lashes brush-tipped on the plump cheeks .
17 He seemed to have slid over nearer to me , though I had n't seen him move .
18 Now Dan seemed to have taken over .
19 They both came under the orders of the elderly Lambert , who seemed to have taken over the running of the stable almost entirely from his master .
20 Having refurbished two bits of year-old evidence to support the new Libyan thesis , he now weighed in with a two-year-old intelligence report about a meeting in Tripoli before the bombing — in mid-November 1988 — at which the Libyans were said to have taken over responsibility for the attack from the PFLP — GC after Jibril 's West German cell was broken up .
21 The boy , from a children 's home in east Belfast , was said to have taken over £1,200 in the two robberies at Ballyhackamore in the past week .
22 The Commission had taken seriously its constitutional role of initiating proposals , and seemed poised to take over some of the work load allotted by the treaty to the Council of Ministers .
23 The fawn was badly injured trying to jump over a wire fence , and had to be operated on to save her life .
24 And Arianna had been in love with him , or at least , she 'd thought she was , until he 'd begun taking over her life .
25 Erm and we 're attempting to try to get over to people please please think before you get a pet .
26 ‘ This , ’ Woods was saying several minutes later , ‘ I suspect has taken over from Hell as the most famous bunker in the world . ’
27 He thrust his hands deep into his pockets , hunching his shoulders as he continued , ‘ I met her at the party I threw to celebrate taking over control of the company .
28 To Abbott and Hornsby were added the names of Captain Lawrence , with whom Wilson had been associated in the formation of the Certificated Officers ' Union , Maurice Darby , the originator of the first Glasgow branch who was alleged to have gone over to the Shipping Federation in 1890 , Robert Pleasance , former secretary of the Tower Hill branch who had been expelled from the union in the same year , and a Thomas Carey , an official of the NSFU discharged for unsatisfactory conduct in 1911 who , Wilson claimed , immediately became involved with the Federation and , while still in its pay , assisted Lewis in setting up the British Seafarers ' Union .
29 Aside from Boyce and Lee , these include Edward Howard , a CIA employee who finally defected to Moscow taking with him a hoard of secret information about his work ; the Walker trio who for 17 years handed over details of US Navy cryptograhic equipment to the Russians in exchange for $750,000 ; Bruce Ott , a USAF airman who tried to sell the Russians a copy of the SR-71 spy plane operating manual ; Robert Miller , an FBI agent who passed on secret documents to the Russians ; Ronald Pelton , a communications expert with the NSA who for five years gave the Russians details of his work ; Clyde Conrad , a retired US Army sergeant who for five years is alleged to have handed over top army contingency plans to the East ; and Jonathan Pollard , a US Navy counter-intelligence analyst who was paid $50,000 by Israeli intelligence for top naval information , a particularly embarrassing incident .
30 The Duma defied the Tsar , who suspended them , and formed a government , which they declared to have taken over all power in Russia .
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