Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] so as " in BNC.

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1 Each NIC has attempted to develop a broad industrial base to satisfy domestic demand and diversify exports so as to reduce reliance on a few major primary commodities , e.g. coffee , meat , rubber .
2 Railways are a type of transport that fall easily under central control , and whose construction may even intensify political centralism , because of the rationality of disposing lines so as to converge at a central point .
3 They were less involved in thinly rationing existing services than is often necessary in social work and more able to concentrate help so as to provide a relatively complete service capable of achieving significant change for some people .
4 Greenbaum and Quirk posit a principle of end-focus to account for the tendency to process information' so as to achieve a linear presentation from low to high information value' .
5 Indeed , we have delayed publication so as to incorporate a large part of the ASH detailed brief on the subject in the paper .
6 ‘ Ordinarily , it would seem to me that this object is most likely to be achieved by employing a single well-qualified firm , which would itself deploy staff so as to achieve the optimum blend of continuity and freshness .
7 Certain types of agreement will seldom if ever qualify for exemption , for example those which restrict competition so as to affect inter-state trade and contain export bans , maintain retail prices or lead to absolute territorial protection of national markets .
8 First , the subjective formulation of section 68 is made objective so as to read , ‘ if the Secretary of State has reasonable grounds to believe . ’
9 We filed VFR so as to be able to fly over Tui , on the basis of a sheet of actuals which gave a 3,000-foot cloudbase at Porto .
10 He 'd offered to swap stories about what had happened once they had each paired off at the party , but Graham was n't going to tell , and told Slater so as he carefully wrote her name by the side of the numbers : Sarah Fitch .
11 Jaq wondered how much effort of will it had cost her to resist ultimate , engulfing pleasure so as to gasp out a question or two to her tormenter and enchanter .
12 In 1672 Haines obtained a patent for a new method of cleaning trefoil so as to improve the seed , and this led to public controversy with Caffyn , who was himself a local farmer , jealous of Haines 's influence with local notables , and convinced that patents were unchristian and patentees covetous .
13 Remote sensing , engineering geophysics and hydrogeological techniques are being used in a study in south-east Zimbabwe aimed at improving the success rate of boreholes and dug wells so as to improve the provision of a reliable supply of clean water to rural communities in developing countries , particularly in semiarid tropical regions where droughts are frequent .
14 It must so conduct affairs so as to secure full or near-full employment and that the rate of inflation will be stable and low enough to be tolerable .
15 When BAT Industries , ICI and others are divesting activities as raiders appear ; when Courtaulds and Racal are divesting or splitting activities so as to focus on their core businesses ; the time has surely come to think again about corporate and other strategies .
16 She describes how women organized their time creating routines to give order to their days and set goals so as to be able to feel that they had achieved something with their labour .
17 The finance cost should be allocated to accounting periods so as to achieve a constant rate on the amount outstanding .
18 Using reported experiences , we aimed to draw together good practice and make recommendations to the organisations on how best to manage secondments so as to help secondees adapt more rapidly to their new jobs and , in due course , to the return of their former posts .
19 Cyril Ramaphosa , president of the National Union of Mineworkers and one of the group who met Mr Mandela on Tuesday , said that after their release the ANC men would demand passports so as to visit ANC leaders abroad for consultations .
20 Even in Cramlington , the activities of the developer builders were seen largely in terms of providing a population to serve as the basis of demand for services , rather than , as was clearly the case for the public sector , in terms of providing housing so as to assemble a labour force for new industries .
21 As respects England and Wales or Northern Ireland , any provision in an Act passed before 1st August 1958 that any order or determination shall not be called into question in any court , or any provision in such an Act which by similar words excludes any of the powers of the High Court , shall not have effect so as to prevent the removal of the proceedings into the High Court by order of certiorari or to prejudice the powers of the High Court to make orders of mandamus .
22 Plainly article 9 can not have effect so as to stifle the freedom of all to comment on what is said in Parliament , even though such comment may influence Members in what they say .
23 A country 's foreign policy , he noted , could not be separated from its ‘ internal life , its economic and social goals and needs ’ ; the Soviet Union , for its part , needed peace so as to be able to achieve its ‘ truly breathtaking creative plans ’ .
24 Indeed by this time Mao is specifically advocating that the Party ought to take a more cautious and less radical approach to land reform so as to not antagonize the interests of the middle and rich peasants .
25 In typical elitist manner Schumpeter describes these notions as both unrealistic and dangerous ; but a major difference from classical elite theorists is that Schumpeter wants to redefine democracy so as to preserve some recognition of the fact of popular participation and to take account of the inevitably limited nature of this participation .
26 Find way of treating glass so as to respond to viewer 's gaze ?
27 The social scientist tends to study events so as to draw conclusions of a more general and rather static kind .
28 The justice would not , in my view , be inquiring into the offence as examining justice so as to bring the matter within section 5(1) nor would she be ‘ adjourning the trial of an information ’ to bring the matter within section 10(1) of the Act of 1980 .
29 In that case also , the state in principle sets management an objective and imposes constraints so as to achieve the result .
30 There are many ways of categorizing activities so as to ration your time properly .
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