Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] at a " in BNC.

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1 A CLASSIC Rolls-Royce limousine which had been in the same Scottish family for 60 years made £21,275 at a Sotheby 's weekend car sale at the Royal Air Force museum , Hendon , North London .
2 When he had left the University of California , Santa Barbara , he had taught literature at a school in Battle Creek , Michigan .
3 We arrived at about 4.30pm and made camp at a very good site .
4 Well , one couple are so determined that as many people as possible should at least have the CHANCE to read it that they 're producing copies at a quarter of the official price .
5 SOME Northern Ireland construction companies are so desperate for business they are building houses at a loss , a report reveals today .
6 SOME Northern Ireland construction companies are so desperate for business they are building houses at a loss , a report reveals today .
7 Minister of Science William Waldegrave , may have released the first major UK government White Paper on science and technology for over 10 years yesterday , but information technology professionals need n't hold their breath : while Waldegrave seems to think we should count ourselves lucky because we 've got our own research council for the first time , it would be more truthful to say we 've been stuffed into the miscellaneous section of the Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council , along with the electronic , electrical and communications industries ; our body , together with the Particle Physics and Sciences Research Council , will replace the Science and Engineering Research Council ; as a result , we will benefit ‘ from the same building of bridges between research bodies and industry ’ as the rest of the reorganised bodies and should experience interaction at an earlier stage — on the Japanese and German model .
8 The limpet , like Neopilina , produces shell at an equal rate right round the circumference of the mantle and so builds a simple pyramid .
9 If the terms of redemption merely provided for their redemption at par , their holders would be highly vulnerable ; for if interest rates fell since the date of issue it would clearly pay the company to redeem them and to borrow money at a lower rate of interest than the fixed dividend .
10 This was partly accidental : he became archbishop at a time when the expansive energies of the Norman conquerors were beginning to make an impression in Scotland , in Wales , and — very tentatively — in Ireland .
11 This business was expanded by his son John Roberts , who also lent money at a vast interest rate to the tinners , who were traditionally improvident and poor .
12 Whether you make notes at a lecture , in the library or from textbooks that you are reading , they must be the finished article in its final shape , except for the colour coding indicating ranges of importance .
13 It is up to the Secretary of State , if he keeps internment on the books as he has told us he will , to begin to educate people throughout this kingdom about the need to implement internment at a time that he judges correct — when he is advised by the Chief Constable and the GOC to do so .
14 Then she met Woody at a New York exhibition of Luc 's paintings — and he asked her to audition for Husbands and Wives .
15 On 3 February 1945 he wrote ‘ I have just bought the Moussorgsky records Pictures at an exhibition .
16 Contrary to the norm for a Yorkshire dale , the young men did venture outside to seek their partners and John met Marie at a fair .
17 Social workers visited Celia and Danny to arrange sessions at a family centre , but the couple announced they were going to spend two weeks in Hackney with Danny 's mother .
18 Her attempts to promote sales of the book by signing copies at a Long Island store ended abruptly when , following the bomb threat , police evacuated the store until closing time .
19 He gained his first knowledge of practical politics as a member of the London county council , and entered Parliament at a by-election in Lewisham West in 1938 , retaining the seat till the Conservative débâcle of 1945 .
20 Proof indeed that the Prehen youth policy might soon yield rewards at a higher level .
21 In The Quarry Man ( 1908 ) a workman is blinded during blasting operations at a quarry ; later his wife becomes unfaithful and he is driven to suicide ; just in time his wife pulls him out of the river and she now abandons ‘ the downward path ’ .
22 To take child care for instance , we can suddenly get two or three ah admissions to secure units at a cost of two thousand pounds a week and that 's er you know a hundred thousand a year per child so we can really there are other votes that can , can absorb that sort of money .
23 The ANC indicated that it was prepared to meet Inkatha at a multiparty meeting in the context of the National Peace Accord [ see p. 38422 ] , but expressed unwillingness to hold bilateral talks , arguing that previous meetings had failed to produced effective results [ see pp. 37951-52 ] .
24 Another great Therapy ? story revolves around a character called Eddie Faith , who found religion at a Christian meeting one night , and the next day walked into the local police station and confessed to 24 robberies he 'd committed in the previous year .
25 Publishers want safeguards at a practical level to ensure that it does not open the floodgates to returns of all kinds . ’
26 McRae 's Subaru coughed like a grizzly bear , went sideways into the first of a thousand bends , spitting grit in lacerating force at a lot of spectators , as brave as the men they had come to admire then disappeared into the foreboding conifers of Grizedale Forest .
27 It is not possible to obtain data at a sufficiently disaggregated level to confirm this argument , but it is consistent with the data that are available .
28 So begin along these lines : With respect , Minister , it 's to do with explaining action at a distance .
29 Not that Uttley was allowed to completely forget his rugby past — also competing is fellow ‘ crumbly ’ Andy Ripley who , after taking the Ergo up in recent months , almost overtook Uttley at a recent head-to-head in a London gymnasium .
30 Even in the early days , when wage differentials between the two cities were not great , the Edinburgh compositors were considered by their Glasgow colleagues to be lacking in spirit : " The printers [ i.e. compositors ] of Edinburgh had the unenviable reputation of being willing to accept work at a reduced rate in almost any town in the United Kingdom before 1840 . "
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