Example sentences of "[verb] [noun] look for " in BNC.

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1 It is important to encourage children to look for clues , and to realise that some small detail ( a crest on the side of a coach , for instance , or a sign above a shop ) may have an important bearing on the story or meaning of the picture .
2 The questions given above under " Groupwork " are intended to encourage trainees to look for evidence as to the effectiveness of the technique and the teacher 's use of it .
3 I want time to look for my children , and see how many of them I can find .
4 Police frogmen have been searching lakes looking for a weapon … believed to be a six inch blade .
5 The sixteenth-century writers who condemned depopulation looked for a depopulator , and found him in the enclosing landlord , who found that stock , -rearing was more profitable than corn-growing .
6 Many bright ideas — and failed ideas looking for a second lease on life — are being put forward as ways of converting weapon-grade plutonium into a form too awkward for the weapon-minded to bother with .
7 Whether the view of science led Peirce to look for a prior epistemology , or whether the desire for , or availability of , a prior epistemology led him to think of inquiry as he did , are questions I shall not pursue here .
8 Geoffrey Miller , an independent estate agent in Tavistock , Devon , confirms this trend : ‘ There has certainly been much more activity in the market in recent months , particularly cash buyers looking for bargains . ’
9 The Clearing System is designed to help people looking for an alternative place .
10 They have caused fear and suspicion and encouraged people to look for abuse where there is none , or to dress up actual sexual abuse of children with ‘ satanic ’ imputations .
11 ‘ But they have n't got time to look for something that was probably a mouse , ’ said Masklin .
12 It was not at all certain , then , how he would fare against the younger breed of highly professionalized butlers looking for posts .
13 ‘ We spent months looking for ideas that would appeal to us , ’ he remembers .
14 A story of a man called Texaz looking for his woman and of a girl called Sabi looking for something else .
15 I spent years looking for the answer , and what I found was somewhat unexpected .
16 there was one bloke over in erm tha you know , with a man la , that I used to work with and he , he used to fly from Hollies , and he lost his plane one day and fle , flew out of range and er he he spent weeks looking for it !
17 A story of a man called Texaz looking for his woman and of a girl called Sabi looking for something else .
18 ‘ We have spent months looking for someone to lead our efforts , ’ he said .
19 In India , it is still believed that certain people are able to assume the shape of a manticore , which then circles villages looking for human prey .
20 Are they just moaning minnies looking for excuses ?
21 In the air-conditioned House of Commons , set in the English climate , and with the long recess allowing members to look for long hot beaches , such a plagiarism illustrated how not to employ catch-phrases of the day .
22 This command tells DOS to look for a match in C : \DOS , then in C : \WINDOWS and so on .
23 When Sam succumbs to the temptation of putting on the Ring he feels Sauron looking for him .
24 SEM has meant a great leap forward , allowing Harris to look for more ‘ critical diagnostic characteristics ’ on the grains .
25 So what do employers look for in graduates ?
26 This will alternate between contracts put out to tender and listing companies looking for joint ventures , partners , distributors , agents and so on .
27 What features in the rocks do geologists look for when they hope to find natural gas deposits ?
28 ‘ You do tend to get thugs looking for a fight trying to join up for my classes , that 's why you have to be very selective . ’
29 During his biking years , Hill was often used as a despatch rider and toured businesses looking for sponsorship for his racing career .
30 Er our only problem is that some of our housing is concentrated in rather large blocks , and that does put pressure looking for v var variety of sites in the county and we are erm getting a lot of objection for some potential development sites in our area at the present moment .
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