Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [art] way " in BNC.

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1 The argument of many feminists is that the myth of the objectivity of the physical sciences has been a way of legitimizing the abuse of knowledge within a patriarchal and capitalist framework .
2 HELPING other people has been a way of life for Vera Taylor who has retired from Capenhurst after almost 18 years .
3 The opportunity , rather , is this : apart from lean production and quality control , one of the big domestic advantages of the best Japanese manufacturers has been the way they garner information within their own firm and use it to take decisions .
4 More significant than any of these changes , however , has been the way in which local management has involved the whole school community , including support staff .
5 One of the most positive aspects of Switchboard that I 've seen over the past seven years , apart from the callers , has been the way that many of its members have continuously struggled to put their politics and convictions about gay and other rights into practice ( though some of them might not care to put it that way ) and the strength that working on it has given some people to do so elsewhere .
6 The particular quality of the English primary school has been the way in which its teachers have been able to respond to the individual child on a personal , almost intuitive , basis .
7 Corruption has been the way of life for years with certain powerful people .
8 Perhaps the only heartening aspect of the whole Gulf conflict has been the way that in the post Cold War age , there has been a sustainable coalition of western and eastern states determined to prevent Saddam profiting from his attack on Kuwait .
9 One of the particularly tragic consequences of the war has been the way it has distracted attention from events in the USSR and Eastern Europe , just when it was needed most .
10 Central to the concretion of the Christian religion has been the way in which God has been conceived .
11 All my has been the way it should .
12 Development in the open countryside would not normally be permitted is the way that the the draft policy 's guidance .
13 I laughed , and she said , ‘ Laughing is a way of protecting yourself from the truth . ’
14 What matters is the way equipment interacts with you .
15 In other words , what matters is the way in which funds are invested .
16 One thing never to be forgotten is the way social class interacts with gender , and makes for different interpretations in different school milieux .
17 One of the hardest things for women to bear is the way men reject tears as silly and irrelevant , when they know them to be important and valuable .
18 What the acquisition of responsibility for the DMS illustrates is the way an area of study could rapidly ‘ come of age ’ in the CNAA .
19 The other main operational feature that Table 11.1 highlights is the way most of the big firms are associated with an airline .
20 What one needs is a way of doing the sum over histories not just for particles but for the whole fabric of space and time as well .
21 I 've tried it sometimes , never long enough to know whether I did it successfully or not , but I found there is absolutely no way of telling because even if it changes in a way one can predict , what one can predict is the way oneself changes or the world changes at the same time .
22 ‘ If there 'd been a way to avoid this mess , we 're experienced enough in the business to have spotted it ! ’
23 What the overall figures do not show is the way in which the activity of banking business has changed over the last decade .
24 There is evidence particularly on the political right of a view that ‘ multiple citizenship ’ is somehow inconsistent with British citizenship , whereas what is needed is a way of combining a sense of belonging to the British , English , Welsh , Scottish or ( more problematic still ) the Northern Ireland community at the same time as feeling a sense of community with other groups .
25 However , one aspect I did like is the way you can select merge codes from menu choices rather than having to remember the correct syntax yourself .
26 For example it is well known that asthma and eczema are linked but what is frequently overlooked is the way that a person 's asthma can be bad at a time when their eczema is quiet and their eczema can be its worst when the asthma is quiet .
27 The audience influences the style by indicating the seriousness , formality , or otherwise that the publication should adopt and the first area that this affects is the way the text is laid out on the page .
28 What he did n't like was the way some of them looked at him as a potential John .
29 Traffic calming is a way of containing vehicle speeds by self-enforcing engineering measures and improving driver behaviour .
30 ‘ and what I particularly like is the way that they make you feel so welcome .
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