Example sentences of "[verb] [be] [verb] four " in BNC.

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1 This woman has been prosecuted four times for failing tio send her daughter to school .
2 Pauline Golightly , 24 , of Vernon Gardens , Harrowgate Hill , says that since she moved into the house last October her Nissan Sunny has been vandalised four times .
3 The American , considered one of the most sympathetic of riders , has been penalised four times for careless riding since arriving here in 1979 .
4 A much sought-after right-winger , Cooper has been transferred four times .
5 The first of these aid and trade agreements was signed in 1975 and has been renewed four times .
6 It 's being tested at Blackthorn railway bridge near Bicestesr , which has been hit four times in the past year .
7 This may not seem to be a very daunting task , but when a man who has been flying four engine jet transports all over the world is suddenly confronted with a young pilot who has just written-off the landing gear of a light aircraft while trying to land in a cross wind , the true qualities of the new inspector are under test .
8 A farmer has been using four oxen to plough a field in what 's believed to be the first public demonstration of the skill in almost twenty-five years .
9 Now the angry owner , whose home has been burgled four times this year , is offering a £500 reward for information .
10 Thailand 's Professor Pilai Poonswad , who for 10 years has been studying four species of forest hornbills , pointed out that the birds nest in large Dipterocarps and that their taste in trees was something they shared with loggers .
11 Every word in it has been typed four times ( once by our Paris correspondent , once by the French telex operator , once by a typist in our office , and finally by the Linotype operator at Index Printers ) .
12 Severe acute hepatitis immediately after intravenous amiodarone has been reported four times .
13 An innovation has been to introduce four kings , representing the four corners of the earth , who come to woo Epine and win the kingdom she has seized , are entranced by Rose but rejected by her because the North is uncouth , the East too vain , the West too cynical and the South too violent .
14 A LONELY bachelor who died in his bath has been found four years later .
15 This business in Henley has been targeted four times .
16 All you need to do is find four people , nominate a team leader , give your team a name , and register by sending the above information and a £20 cheque to The Training Trust , Financial and Legal Sector , 145 Great Charles Street , Birmingham B3 3JR by 4 December .
17 The British tranche was none the less fully subscribed , but shares on sale in Europe were oversubscribed and those offered in New York could have been sold four times over .
18 They had been tossed four feet away .
19 She had been served four years of a life sentence for the murder of her baby son .
20 For Ruth had been married to Connor 's brother Sean , and her first child — a fine boy called Danny — had been born four years ago .
21 Containing such things as ‘ Liquidi perle ’ , ‘ Tirsi morir volea ’ , and ‘ Dolorosi martir ’ , it is no wonder that by 1588 it had been reprinted four times and that in the same year five of the madrigals — with ‘ Io partirò ’ from the Second Book — were published in London with English words .
22 And as the Chief Officer , Edwin Kerr , told a conference on teacher education in 1976 , ‘ if a meeting on teacher education had been held four years ago , the Council would not have been invited to attend ’ .
23 We had been divided four to a room , with a Corporal in each and with the different nationalities split so that no nationalistic factions developed .
24 Working in the very competitive insurance industry , principally at Lloyd 's , he had been approached four times by four different headhunting firms , only one of whose names he remembered ( one of the smaller UK-based consultancies ) .
25 The first had arrived ten days before , and the second had been delivered four days before .
26 Hinting at his two-year prison term on assault and weapons convictions , Brown said , ‘ With all the success I 've had , I 've been broke four times because of ignorance .
27 He turns more fruitfully to plays , becomes writer in residence at the Royal Court , adapts Brecht for the RSC and Kafka for Radio 3 , turns out two screenplays which Stephen Frears films , is nominated for an Oscar for one of them , and finally succeeds , in his mid-thirties , in getting a novel published ( its adolescent predecessors have been burnt four years earlier ) .
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