Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] the good " in BNC.

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1 Some biologists suggest that the best solution to the crown of thorns ‘ problem ’ may be to do nothing — except , of course , to monitor the situation .
2 I would like to go further , however , and suggest that the best outcome would be if discretion over monetary policy were removed altogether from the hands of the Treasury and the Bank of England and legislated by Parliament in terms of a monetary rule .
3 In a way , I suppose , it seems rather illogical to dismiss the value of the brochure altogether , for all types of customer , and at the same time suggest that the best way a customer can get the information s/he needs is to use a list of telephone numbers printed in the very brochure that is being dismissed .
4 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
5 Later , Swallow ( 1964 ) demonstrated that the best mortar sands had median diameters in the range 440–570 µm and graphic standard deviations of 200–275 µm .
6 This survey demonstrated that the best single predictor was an intelligence test , but the best compound one was a battery of tests ( the ‘ best ’ meaning , in this context , the method that correlated most directly with success in secondary school certificate exams ) .
7 In this case the treatment team may have to accept that the best it can offer is long-term support and encouragement , with treatment sessions being non-contingent on repeats .
8 While welcoming my right hon. Friend 's reply , may I ask him to accept that the best training for Royal Navy reservists is with the regular Navy and will he give that priority in the coming operations for the Royal Naval Reserve ?
9 At £25,000 he wo n't be secreted under everybody 's egg cosy at breakfast on Easter morning , but it is good to know that the best is there if you can afford it .
10 He maintained that the good news about Jesus had a clearly defined form .
11 At this stage , it was also important to establish that the best results would be achieved if a critical and constructive approach was adopted .
12 MELROSE president Jim Russell has claimed that the best is still to come from the Greenyards men .
13 I could have gone mad , you know , but the tragedy is that during the courses a lot of them and I expect that the best time to learn is when you 're young and you 're more receptive .
14 In a recent study Lea and Young recognize this point , and say that the best indicator of police performance in crime investigation is the number of crimes cleared per officer ( Lea et al . ,
15 Napoleon was to find that the best roads in Europe could not create a European market .
16 I tried many ways of joining the cords , but found that the best is to use a latch tool and catch a loop at the back of one cord and pull through a loop from the other cord .
17 Tony found that the best thing to do was to put her in the buggy and push her round the town , or take her to the park .
18 As a result , the Whig MP John Hervey had to work extremely hard to cultivate the corporation , and although he did use various financial incentives , he found that the best way to keep their support was by serving their interests both locally and in Parliament .
19 Now is , is the fact that they do n't do that , they still go for this rent and interest rate reduction is it because of the experience of the north , they found that the best way in the north was to go for rent reduction , interest rate reduction and then go on , and they were simply taking that experience into the south , but taking it into a different area where it was no longer necessary or appropriate ?
20 Winter and the new Food and Beverage manager had considered that the best applicant was a female graduate with a proven record and innovative ideas , but there was opposition from the Head Chef and the rest of the ‘ old guard ’ , who contacted the previous owner : he in turn had spoken to David Edwards , who had rung Winter and suggested ‘ cooling it ’ ( the disappointed applicant had subsequently been taken on by Duchy 's expanding Hotels Division ) .
21 The lone mothers in the Bradshaw and Millar study reported that the best thing about being a lone parent was ‘ independence ’ ( while the worst was ‘ loneliness ’ ) and 47 per cent said they preferred to stay as lone parents in the near future , rather than re-marry ( 23 per cent ) or live with a partner ( 13 per cent ) .
22 Basically it means that the nervous system which passes through the wrist in the carpal tunnel has been stressed and the best cure is rest , or in the case of trigger finger , an injection or even an operation .
23 Their reasoning — that ‘ when all safeguards are respected and the best interests of the patient are taken into account , it is certainly not murder ’ — parallels the apparent logic behind the Soviet cleansing of antisocialist elements , the Indian practice of murder/suicide of widows , and the infanticide that I observed among the Tsamai in south-west Ethiopia .
24 Engineering We will continually strive to reduce our impact on the environment by ensuring that environmental issues are considered and the best practicable option is adopted during the design , construction , installation and maintenance of buildings , plant and machinery .
25 Since then I have realised that the best way of avoiding publicity is to proclaim everything you are doing as loudly as possible .
26 In 1947 he evidently realized that the best way of stimulating and tapping into popular fear was anti-communism .
27 Tom Cannon was paid £15,000 simply as a retainer in the 1880s and Vamplew has calculated that the best riders in the period 1870–1914 might earn £75,000 in their careers .
28 The episode had become part of family lore , as well as suggesting that the best place to be was Trazior itself .
29 We are not suggesting that the good alignment we observed between the results of using equations ( 1 ) and ( 2 ) and the analysis of amplitude histograms means that release probabilities are identical at all sites or that n is always invariant .
30 I regret that the good old times of cops and robbers are over .
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