Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] these [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Slater and Gearing ( 1988 ) suggest that these negative views of mental health in later life are held by professionals as well as the wider society .
2 In my book Nations and nationalism since 1780 I suggest that these short-term changes and shifts of ethnic identities constitute ‘ the area of national studies in which thinking and research are most urgently needed today ’ , and I maintain this view .
3 In their later paper they suggest that these two types of anaphor are interpreted with respect to two aspects of text representation that are well-established within psycholinguistics : a superficial or surface-based aspect and a content-based one .
4 The Loch Lang pollen record and its clear indications of mixed birch-hazel-oak-alder woodlands in the early and mid-post-glacial suggest that these southern-atlantic cryptogams may indeed be relicts from the period of more extensive woodland cover in the mid-post-glacial and these shade-demanding species have survived locally in ravines , gullies , and sheltered block litters on the Uists .
5 It also represents returns from only 17 of the 34 institutions contacted , and although Roderick et al suggest that these unqualified mature students do not perform as well as qualified students , no comparative data is produced to substantiate this suggestion .
6 Visitors to Crufts and other shows will know that these metal-sided stalls are usually left very plain .
7 Anyone who has introduced speech act theory to students will know that these technical terms ( and the third member of the group — perlocutionary force ) are not at all easy to grasp .
8 To begin with , did you know that these black slaves were not even born in America ?
9 Anyone who has been associated with the realities of public library provision will know that these Olympian objectives are unachievable , particularly at present .
10 Using flash photolysis of caged InsP 3 and caged calcium , Iino and Endo demonstrated that these positive and negative effects of calcium operated sequentially during the rising phase of a calcium spike .
11 You will be amazed to know that these six good men and true found me guilty , although without the uproar that the producers had rather hoped for .
12 If a self-citation ( see 5.4 ) was , in the majority of cases , the first citation , it would be expected that these two values would be identical , because the first citation of the thesis would be in the author 's first related published paper .
13 It is only to be expected that these two rather different techniques , the Doppler shift technique and the " chirp radar " technique , would be useful for different special purposes .
14 We remember a meal with our family ; visiting an old person ; ‘ falling-out and falling-in ’ with others — and we realise that these human experiences , so trifling in themselves , were precisely the situations permeated with God 's presence .
15 I always say that these two children , they 're lovely to meet because erm oh that 's nice too !
16 Dealers will be delighted to find that these upmarket pretentions have rubbed off on to some of the more mainstream models in the range .
17 He found that these adopted children still developed schizophrenia more often than a comparison group of adopted children whose biological mothers had no known record of mental illness ( Rosenthal , 1968 ) .
18 In our feasibility study , we found that these two types were both represented in the samples of social work offered to us as examples of secondary prevention , and a distinction between them made sense to the practitioners .
19 Although it was initially considered that these endoscopic signs were features of disease recrudescence , careful perioperative and postoperative surveillance studies have established that the lesions represent true disease recurrence .
20 This view accepts that these general principles can apply to render illegal the use of weapons , even new weapons , which are not covered by any specific ban .
21 As I have just said we don' the County Council does not consider that these two fields form part of the open countryside around Skelton .
22 Thus the fact that he did not act otherwise is held to indicate that these social arrangements do indeed accord with the will of God .
23 De Quincey reported that these endless processions produced in him feelings of deep melancholy and gloom .
24 Nonetheless , approximately 40% of those questioned still have separate computer and telecommunications departments , although Pflug does predict that these two functions will converge rapidly over the next three to five years .
25 I do hear what you say but these four regulations are in the framework of the whole government policy towards rules and regulations .
26 Those who feel that patience , trust and a capacity to put up with uncertainty are gifts rather than skills — and gifts which not all adults share — will doubt whether these personal dispositions can be amenable to training .
27 We do not know whether these underlying conditions are responsible for the low CD4 counts .
28 The difficulties tend to come when these broad aims have to be translated into specific objectives for local areas of the Polytechnic , and in particular into detailed forward planning of student numbers .
29 The umbilical cord is n't as easily severed as these unhappy mothers imagine .
30 The crunch came when it was realised that these competent women had a propensity to marry ( Martindale , 1939 ) .
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