Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] on [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I am not suggesting that on occasions it is not totally appropriate to go and help someone — children particularly appreciate a parent 's involvement in a variety of projects .
2 I have noticed that on photographs the faces of women giving birth look remarkably alike .
3 Secondly , it was felt that on issues of property law differences in legal policy and approach created a chasm too large to bridge .
4 It could be argued that on occasions I 've taken on things which probably I have n't done as well out of financially as I might have done if I 'd done something else .
5 Jayni Bradbury from Healthcare Birmingham despite being injured and on crutches is still managing to sign contracts .
6 The ‘ 10-year on ’ programme will cover work on occupational and social mobility , on geographic change and migration , on family and household formation and housing change , on ageing and on immigrants .
7 When botanising abroad Mark Catesby also appreciated the value of records made while on expeditions , and he drew much in the field for his Natural History of Carolina , Florida and the Bahama Islands ( 1730–47 ) .
8 In any assessment of evangelistic effectiveness the church growth movement stresses the need to focus attention not so much on decisions registered but on disciples made .
9 It must be understood that on nights when there are two performances , coaches arriving after the streets mentioned in a ) above have been filled , with be diverted to King 's Stables Road .
10 I always used to use that on babbies for , you know when they get cold and weepy eyes ?
11 It has been noted that on occasions the cremated bones are found in the urns in a small cluster as if placed there in a small bag .
12 It will quickly be recognised that on matters of fact and challenges to the exercise of discretion leave to apply for judicial review will be refused .
13 On the other hand it appears that on occasions drivers may have no memory at all for road signs which they have just seen or for relatively complex manoeuvres which they have only just performed .
14 He was the first to concede that on occasions a judge got it wrong to the extent that a sentence was passed which was wholly unacceptable .
15 I can not express to you the charm that hangs about a mountain like Ben Each as the mists swathe its rocky sides ; they rise , they fall , they whirl , they soar as on wings of light , they cast shadows , they give grand mystery , and anon reveal some hidden dell , some great bare precipice , or perhaps display a glowing patch of verdure .
16 He was often quiet when he had nothing to say , sometimes taciturn and on occasions could be brusque .
17 In some cases these features were associated with an atmosphere that was unwelcoming and on occasions " oppressive and unstimulating " .
18 On Tuesday nights Sidney Passmore must have sat where he was sitting and on Fridays , the undertaker .
19 Baroness Hooper 's letter stated that help with NHS charges for students were based on an individual assessment of ability to pay and on circumstances which existed at the time a claim was made .
20 Chester Central and Westminster councillor Derek Bateman said that on Sundays calls were sometimes answered in Gateshead .
21 They were heavily barred and on wheels , somewhere between a luggage trolley and a circus sideshow .
22 Teachers of English offered more substantial criticisms of the literature chapter , and I have to admit that on occasions they had justification for their worries .
23 There was no strapping on Nogai 's forearm , but Rostov supposed that on Tarvaras a sprain or a cracked bone could just as easily be referred to as a break , depending upon the state of medical knowledge .
24 The trial judge held that on grounds of undue influence , misrepresentation and unilateral mistake Mrs. Jones was entitled to equitable relief against her personal covenant in the mortgage .
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