Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [be] long " in BNC.

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1 Although this planning took place so long ago , 300 years has not been long enough for the town to develop a soul .
2 ‘ She 'd not been long in the village .
3 The list of people buried here is long and includes Judah Loew ben Bezalel ( Rabbi Loew d.1609 ) , a philosopher who was interested in the supernatural in traditional Jewish teaching , and whose notorious golem or artificially created servant , was said to lie in pieces in the attic of the Old-New Synagogue ; David Gans , the first Jewish historian to write a history of the gentiles which was published in Prague in 1592 ; Josef Salomo ben Elias del Medigo de Candia ( the Wandering Jew ) , who was born in Crete , studied at Palermo , was a pupil of Galileo , and finally practised medicine everywhere from Cairo to Prague ; Mardochee who founded a most important printing press in Prague and who was one of the founders of the Brotherhood of the Dead who until this century kept vigil at the cemetery .
4 Since they had all been longer than I in Kampala , they were taking what all expatriates ( including all American Embassy staff ) take : chloroquine plus proguanil hydrochloride ( Paludrine , a British ICI-manufactured drug not yet approved by the American Food and Drug Administration ) .
5 I had not been long in the restaurant car : ten minutes , the length of a cognac .
6 We 've not been long here really have we ?
7 Yet Justin 's list of what Plato said aright is long and serene .
8 Cost-benefit for performing cardiac transplantation on such seriously ill patients may be looked at more objectively when follow up is longer .
9 I have n't been long back .
10 But then , city dwellers have never been long on modesty .
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