Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [adv] as " in BNC.

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31 In fact , the Committee goes so far as to assert that business and industry have no distinctive educational needs , and is thereby able to collapse point 2 in its terms of reference ( " the needs of business , the professions and the public services " ) into point 1 ( " the requirements of a liberal education " ) .
32 Cusick even goes so far as to venture an empathy between the teams Verity Lambert assembled to work on the series .
33 Indeed Sockett ( 1980 ) goes so far as to call accountability based on prespecified results ‘ anti-educational ’ .
34 Clements ( 1978 ) goes so far as to suggest that this Act may precipitate the demise of agricultural tied cottages .
35 He goes so far as to claim that this form of control is now ‘ characteristic of the majority of enterprises in the USA and Britain ’ , thereby denying the predominance of the management control form .
36 In one of her baffling letters Herta goes so far as to question the legality of the work we are doing here .
37 Larissa talks of going beyond structuralism and goes so far as to disown it : ‘ of course I am not a structuralist I never have been I merely played with it ’ ( 84/662 ) .
38 His opinions , he knows , are not shared by fellow portrait painters — he goes so far as to describe ‘ the rest ’ as producing ‘ old hat , boring , herd-of-sheep painting ’ , too preoccupied with imbuing a portrait with the sitter 's character .
39 Glass goes so far as to describe her as ‘ a monster ’ though it is clear she had his complete respect .
40 Blondel in his study Political Parties : A Genuine Case for Discontent ? claims that " in the great majority of cases programmes are unclear , often limited in scope , and not closely connected to the goals which the party proclaims " and he goes so far as to assert that " on balance parties do not really have programmes " .
41 Where the husband goes so far as to cause injury , there are available a number of offences against the person with which he may be charged , but the gravamen of the husband 's conduct is the injury he has caused not the sexual intercourse he has forced . ’
42 You would not think so after reading the paper by Deborah Tannen , of Georgetown University , whose study of repetition in conversation in Language for 1987 she goes so far as to subtitle ‘ towards a poetic of talk ’ .
43 Nonetheless , the limits of the state 's autonomy would seem to be very wide , and Block goes so far as to postulate a ‘ tipping mechanism ’ which could allow the state to take a social formation away from the capitalist mode of production .
44 A broadside written towards the end of the 1680s defended the Church of England against the charge that their stress on obedience and subjection had been pressed so far as " to set up arbitrary Power , and the Will of the Prince , above Law " .
45 The wartime bombers did n't seem to care what went up ; by contrast the PIRA did and cared so deliberately as to set out selectively to destroy what is now an illusion — the sanctity of hospital in which , regardless of loyalty or background , so many thousands of victims of our vicious little civil war have received care since those nights in August 1969 .
46 The dynamo equations , including all the boundary conditions regarded so far as plausible , and the equations governing the magnetic field in that part of the mantle that is above the Curie temperature , are invariant under reversal of sign of the magnetic field .
47 A second line of argument is to see the picture painted so far as too static .
48 Throughout the 60s we watched incredulously as the HVS category bulged evermore lopsidedly as these great pioneers stuffed it with their goodies — Wombat , Carnage , Macabre , Vagabond , Sundance Wall — today as touch a collection of E points as you 'll find anywhere .
49 The situation is saved : HAMLET , escorted , is marched in just as CLAUDIUS leaves .
50 The usual way of expressing Boyle 's law , however , is Thus , when a gas is allowed to expand ( or is compressed ) at constant temperature from an initial volume of V1 to a final volume of V2 , the final pressure P2 can be calculated so long as the initial pressure Pl is known .
51 Doubt about its legality was finally resolved by section 310 of the Companies 1989 Act which said companies may protect their directors and officers from the costs of liability for negligence , default , breach of duty or trust so long as this is declared in the annual directors ' report .
52 That way everyone born after that particular time would have their sins forgiven so long as they believed in Jesus .
53 They said they would send it , they got so far as taking her address , but she changed her mind , she wanted to wear it that night .
54 His insecurity will persist so long as he bottles up change , no matter how well his ruling party behaves .
55 I took the view , shared by counsel , that no similar privilege was justified so far as copyright was concerned .
56 It was the red-haired left-hander 's first win over the squash legend , the first time he had played a match lasting an hour and 50 minutes at this level and won , and the first time he can ever have gambled so audaciously as he did at 13-13 in the final game .
57 Granpa clapped so loud as I returned to my place that some of the mums looked round and smiled , which made the old fellow even more determined to see that I stayed on at school until I was fourteen .
58 As John Hamilton said , ‘ It was imperative to estimate extremely accurately as the materials and labour had to be quantified in the original bid .
59 No problem arose so far as NHS general practitioners were concerned , except a very powerful dispute about the level of the compensation of junior doctors ; but with the consultants it was another story .
60 We have run the whole gamut of colour with the post-war American varieties , then the swing back to Europe for scent with the colour , then the bi-colour with the petals showing contrasting colours on each side , revealed so attractively as the petals curl back on themselves .
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