Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He became eventually a conscientious objector .
2 The F T Associates which is er includes the Economist in Spain was up a lot and Westminster Press was er was down , but of course Westminster Press took a major redundancy charge , they were also bringing on a new plant at Brighton and therefore running two plants simultaneously which is very costly er and they launched on Sunday .
3 For surely someone as gifted as that deserved all that could be done for him : and ‘ the gift ’ put it above any gossip about an overkeen schoolmaster bringing on a bright pupil and overrode any chatter about the besotted nature of his devotion .
4 Paul went on his way in rising anger , fearful of bringing on a bad head by it .
5 As well as bringing on the new foal , Margaret has taken on another exciting challenge .
6 The papers included here also tackle the main features required to implement effectively the new approach which we have outlined above .
7 Siward had merely killed his wife 's uncle , as Carl Thorbrandsson had already killed his wife 's father , and had joined thereby the bloody brethren of kinsmen whose lethal manoeuvrings had kept him busy for the twelve years he had now held the earldom .
8 He accepts as-if legal rights in that spirit and for reasons of strategy will make mostly the same decisions a conventionalist would make when statutes are plain or precedents crisp and decisive .
9 One thinks rather the better of Phyllis Bottome for wanting to believe that what had to happen could in fact have been averted .
10 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
11 Injected , catalysed , with 24-valves apiece and an individual coil on each plug to speed the spark , the 2-litre 150bhp and the 2.5-litre 192bhp engines enhance the company 's reputation for building arguably the smoothest ‘ 6 ’ s in the business .
12 ‘ Well , ’ Fritz went red , which , Erika thought , made rather a nice change from her own blushing , and looked at his shoes .
13 Aunt Janice was clothed ( shirt and jeans ) , which made rather a refreshing change , and standing in the hallway .
14 We can not be far from the day of the conversation robot that will relieve us of obligation to greet politely the occasional recognisable human that strays across our path .
15 My own favourite example of this attack , and the contradictions that came with it , was that as Council members we were asked both to take pride in an NEA-sponsored and adulatory film about the graffiti that were then disfiguring the New York City subway system , and to support lavishly the great American museums whose distinguished collections were ( and remain ) a standing rebuke to the so-called experimental art of which graffiti were then such a beguiling component .
16 In 16 , however ( and perhaps in 15 , too ) , it is possible to argue not only that the two sentences can be used to make identical statements , but more specifically that horse and mare make effectively the same semantic contribution to their respective sentences .
17 And let me quote Locke er here we are are we he says but submitting to the laws of any country , living quietly and enjoying privileges and protection under them , makes not a man a member of that society then he goes on a little bit further down nothing can make any man so but is actually entering into it by positive engagement and express promise and compact .
18 Er Mr Deputy Speaker it 's also quite important that I make clear the Labour party 's position in respect to the article which calls for uniform electoral procedures to be set up for elections to the European parliament .
19 The dot location task , which involves predominantly the right hemisphere , was expected to remain unaffected .
20 They may argue as a point of fact that , to carry on a taxable ‘ business ’ ( or ‘ economic activity ’ — the terminology in the EC 's Sixth Directive , Art 4(1) and ( 2 ) ) and so use the partial exemption rules , the person must do more than just sell a mere , say , £5 worth of food , drink , tobacco , matches , magazines , books , postcards , camera films , audio or video tapes , cassettes , compact discs , records , sunglasses or combs each year .
21 No conscious effort is required , and it is sometimes possible to carry on a non-relevant activity , e.g. holding a conversation , whilst performing the activity .
22 In addition to those covenants mentioned by Scott LJ above examples of those which have been deemed to touch and concern the land include : a covenant for quiet enjoyment ; a covenant by the landlord agreeing to supply a housekeeper to clean a block of flats ; a covenant in which a landlord agreed not to open a public house within half a mile of the tenanted premises ; a covenant placing an obligation on the tenant to repair ; and a covenant in which the tenant agreed not to carry on a particular trade at the premises .
23 Institutions authorised by the Bank of England to carry on a deposit-taking business in this country are required to make contributions to the Deposit Protection Fund as levied from time to time by the Deposit Protection Board .
24 She did not want to carry on a lengthy conversation with this garrulous dumb woman ; she wanted to go to bed and hug Edward Bear .
25 The tenant will not wish to restrict himself to too narrow a use , for while this might be satisfactory in the short term , if the lease is for 25 years much can happen to the tenant 's business , eg expansion or contraction resulting in the necessity for the tenant to assign or sublet the premises , in which case the assignee or subtenant may wish to carry on a different use .
26 The columns of our newspapers and weekly journals are filled with book reviews or booksy gossip in which the hacks who write them seem determined before all else to carry on the one continuing tradition of their ignoble trade : ignorance .
27 I buy a harmonium — nearly an organ — and spend the rest of my life playing it , thickened with doleful dirges , vainly trying to lay the trauma , my only satisfaction the ashen faced , staring eyed audiences staggering out at the end of performances , primed , and ready to carry on the good work .
28 Elijah heard a divine message sending him back to troubled Israel , with intuition as to definite things to do , one of which was to find a successor to carry on the prophetic ministry .
29 Plans to build hospitals in particular places , or schools , appeared on the agenda because committee chairmen had canvassed opinion and had advised the secretariats in Tripoli : they went through smoothly enough , suggesting that the occasional displeasing reverse was more the result of failure to plan and to prepare the ground in advance , to carry on the ordinary business of politics , than a result of failure in some mystical process , such as interpreting the general will by introspection .
30 ‘ I wanted to carry on the great work that Nick had done and I wanted to broaden the paper 's scope .
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