Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Drexel successfully pioneered a mezzanine layer of financing between equity and bank debt for medium-sized American companies .
2 The graph of the cratering rate for the Moon ( Figure 8.1 ) can only be relied on to give a very general indication of the ages of the various cratered regions on the other terrestrial planets , even if considerable care is taken in adapting the data to these planets .
3 The court can not be relied on to imply a term that the parties should co-operate in the appointment of a replacement : see 8.17.4 .
4 If it were absent , all transactors could be relied on to keep a promise to implement any decision to the best of their ability .
5 Bitterly disappointed , Harrison abandoned medical reform , but his ideas lived on to provide a solid basis for future important developments , which culminated in the Medical Act of 1858 .
6 Eliot goes on to envisage a future in which applied science replaces each theatre by a hundred cinemas , each musical instrument by one hundred gramophones , each horse by one hundred cheap motor cars , with the result that the population of the whole civilized world speedily follows the lot of the Melanesians .
7 Pugh goes on to paint a picture of an industry with a lot of technology on its hands and an unclear view of the future .
8 Leapor goes on to describe a woman married to a clergyman who is universally virtuous and ’ …
9 It then goes on to describe a scheme for representing appearance through logical structure .
10 The narrator goes on to describe a puddle of water that " lay across the trail " .
11 It then goes on to detail a number of joint initiatives covering the the country and all the G M B regions .
12 The text pronounces that so far as the words are concerned no trust is created , but then goes on to give a moral reason for holding one to have been created ; it ends by referring to a similar decision of Marcus Aurelius .
13 He goes on to give a splendid example of the thing he has in mind , when an old Muslim tribesman went on urging a drug-addicted English hippy to ‘ pray to Jesus the Messiah ’ , until he was converted and delivered .
14 These two paragraphs are quoted in his book Modern Fantasy by Dr C. N. Manlove , who then goes straight on as usual to spearhead the critical assault and declare : and Dr Manlove goes on to cite a well-known Ubi sunt passage from the Old English poem and to observe that ‘ This is real elegy , for it has something to be elegiac about ’ .
15 Opening with a tirade of four letter abuse from Roman footsoldiers to their ( absent ) leaders , the translation by David Johnston ( for The Gate Theatre ) goes on to incorporate a great many deliberate anachronisms which give the play a decidedly modern flavour .
16 But as the search goes on to find a replacement for peat scientists are optimistic .
17 Mrs. X goes on to list a number of complaints .
18 She goes on to make a new life in Hampshire with Harry still remaining ignorant of her great change and her children , of which she is extremely fond , remaining unaffected .
19 The chapter examines different theories of stratification and then goes on to present a full account of the facts of class inequality according to income , wealth , and so on .
20 She argues that they can constitute a new perspective for the social sciences and goes on to show a continuity with the anti-positivism and rejection of the knowing subject in structuralist and post-structuralist approaches to understanding .
21 It is this which produces Leonard 's startling use of juxtaposition , which goes on to become a disavowal technique . )
22 The narrator ( of the Morgans ) is called Arthur and it is Arthur who survives the death of Philip and goes on to become a writer of some undefined kind on the model of David Copperfield and Great Expectations .
23 Starting with the creation of the German night fighter force the author makes good use of eyewitness accounts from former Luftwaffe pilots , and goes on to portray a vivid account of what life was like serving on a night fighter unit .
24 Cole adds that what actually happened when the Pioneers engaged in production was not what they had intended when they started their co-operative ; and goes on to offer a more detailed explanation : The Rochdale Manufacturing Society was set up in 1854 , Supposing that , as an expression of democracy , Co-operative principles are as valid for the producer working in the factory producing goods for sale in the Co-operative store as they are for the consumer buying them there , a newcomer to the story might find it surprising that the Pioneers ' belief is presented , if not itself as a matter for surprise , then certainly one for explanation .
25 He goes on to develop a theory of communicative action which focuses on the exchange of ideas and meanings in contrast to the exchange of goods .
26 He then goes on to develop a more detailed schema :
27 It goes on to specify a duty to take action ‘ necessary or expedient … for the purpose of conserving , redistributing or otherwise augmenting water resources ’ and ‘ securing proper use of water resources ’ ( s.10 ) .
28 Chanan has questioned the basic analysis of national needs employed by the DES , as we have already mentioned ; he goes on to propose a curriculum based on personal values .
29 For instance , interactionists point to the evidence in the Kinsey report on sexual behaviour that over one-third of male adults have had a homosexual experience to the point of orgasm , and that only one in twenty goes on to adopt a continuing homosexual role .
30 A few days after Mr Hani 's murder , while riots swept the country , he and four comrades met secretly to form a ‘ Committee of Generals ’ whose aim would be to resist majority rule .
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