Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This may not be feasible where there is a very large number of candidates , but if people have got through the original application forms stage of selection it will be worth making an effort to see them in person .
2 We want to see them in action against South Africa .
3 Which is going to disappoint an awful lot of women who flocked to see them in town a year ago .
4 In another sense they may seem to know them too little , to be too little able to see them in relation to other , contemporary , young people : as much chance of a fair assessment from a family as from a school .
5 The recognition of interests and groups in society , and a concern to see them in relation to government and the development of public policy represented an important breakthrough in the study of British politics .
6 One day they were told that a police officer wished to see them in connection with the charges already preferred .
7 So funnily enough , the girl that I made friends with when I was a tracer , Penny , erm she came to see me in land army uniform you see , and I said , ’ Right , if I ca n't go in the forces , I 'll join the land army ’ , so I said ’ alright ’ .
8 Mind you , he 'd come home from university one time to see me in bed with flu , glasses and no front teeth , so I guess he was pretty immune to my charmlessness — or was too shortsighted himself to notice .
9 Mind you , he 'd come home from university one time to see me in bed with ‘ flu , glasses and no front teeth , so I guess he was pretty immune to my charmlessness — or was too shortsighted himself to notice .
10 You want to see me in gaol .
11 I can not want a man who wants to see me in gaol .
12 ‘ Father Laverty came to see me in hospital two days after the birth and had the nerve to look at my beautiful baby and ask me to put her up for adoption . ’
13 Now she is absolutely delighted to see me in Formula One . ’
14 D' you want to see me in prison ? ’
15 ‘ Still keen on films after seeing them in action for a day ? ’
16 Yeah they , they 've played in red and white , red , white , red shirts white shorts , but they , they used to play in claret and blue I can remember seeing them in claret and blue when I was a small boy but erm
17 He probably just assumed that you were seeing me in connection with my work . ’
18 Well why do they want me in house ?
19 Tommy gave straight answers and expected them in return .
20 In Western Europe legislators have ceded sweeping powers to make detailed regulations to central government executives , allowing them in effect to write up the law ‘ as they go along ’ in a discretionary way .
21 Martha took out the two tiles and laid them in front of him .
22 Now she was accusing me in front of a stranger .
23 No the guests will not be in costume , we thought it was unfair that they should make them in costume .
24 eat them in park one day
25 The birds could pose a serious health risk for people who eat them in north Africa and southern Europe .
26 Criticizing a scooterist do n't want them in town and then put functions on and cheap beer for them when they come .
27 What about a chess-playing machine , programmed to examine the board and then ‘ imagine ’ thousands of possible moves and evaluate them in relation to each other ?
28 POLICE shot dead a vicious Rottweiler dog after it attacked them in north Belfast .
29 ‘ Rehearsals ’ : how to plan them in order to get the most out of them .
30 Not only did he treat everyone in sight but also led nightly singsongs by thumping away on the pub piano .
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