Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] look at " in BNC.

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1 And that I , I would n't be adverse , I know it means you know you , you , if you put s some extra into one thing you 've got to take it away from somewhere else , but I , I , I would be quite happy to see them look at special needs and whether we actually need even more careers officer time for that .
2 I mean , if it 's just that you 're too close to it and you do n't want me to look at it , there are people I know who 're good at that sort of thing ; they can see the wood from the trees ; they could — ’
3 ‘ I think if I did that would make them look at me in a completely different way . ’
4 He would make me look at pictures and then reproduce them with coloured pencils , or else ask me to rotate a figure mentally a certain number of degrees around a given perpendicular before attempting to redraw it .
5 Merymose asked me to look at the body . ’
6 This led me to look at various conventional sorts of murder which could be seen as being idea or perfect murders , with the notion of reversing one of them .
7 It made me look at myself again with a more critical eye and say yes , I can be more positive and look to the future with renewed optimism .
8 Suddenly he cut me short and took me round the room and made me look at things .
9 Then he made me look at the windows .
10 You made me look at you , I 've overlowed his
11 The crime of syphilis had made me ban sex from my mind for weeks ; now I was found not guilty half an hour with a textbook Conchis had given me to look at had convinced me his diagnosis was right — the libido rose strong .
12 So use the opportunity , get a return , make them take a good look at you and then you know you 're alright and can go on for another couple of years and make them look at you again .
13 Well , well she was , she was standing outside , I mean I looked at her this morning and I 've loo so I 've sort of looked at her , and I was going to speak to her and then this fella walked up and I thought , I , I mean I could n't gauge whether , and I mean my , I , I was thinking what I was going to say anyway , I was going to say er you know sa is it Paula so you perhaps do n't remember me but I , I , and then I was going to say I 'm Adrian , Adrian
14 I 've given them er question mark on the shape of the country it 's a map but the ha what I think is easy , I du n no I mean to I mean I look at maps all day long , so
15 For allowing ourselves to look at the report and find the actions , and not just the actions themselves .
16 Do you want someone to look at you ? ’
17 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
18 Let us pause for a moment over ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ .
19 We tell them to be quiet because we want them to look at television , or say it 's too wet to go out for a walk when they are wanting to wear their new wellies .
20 ‘ If you mean I want them to look at my gown , you 're correct . ’
21 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
22 Changez and Jamila sat apart , and although I tried to catch them looking at each other , I can guarantee that not a single surreptitious glance was exchanged by the future bed-mates .
23 A computer is a wonderfully useful tool but it will be only a nuisance to your wife if all the language data is locked up on disks and she has nothing to look at in a spare five minutes .
24 The membrane broke open and he found himself looking at a little horse 's head lying upon a pair of stretched out forelegs , a perfect little head with shell-like curling nostrils and a narrow white blaze , and wet , flattened-down ears .
25 Delaney found himself looking at a cargo vessel with a very high superstructure three-quarters aft .
26 ‘ Good luck , ’ he called , and found himself looking at Nell .
27 To his amazement he found himself looking at Tina .
28 Peter opened one at random and found himself looking at a photograph of Kate .
29 Huy found himself looking at the man 's lips alone , and the spittle switching from one to the other , in horrified fascination and to the exclusion of everything else .
30 It was the first time he had loved a carpet , and now he found himself looking at carpets in shop windows .
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