Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] against " in BNC.

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1 He is such a lucid writer — and although he defends himself ably against the charge of superficiality ( which has been levelled since I was a student ) the breadth of his scholarship is so immense that the defence seems unnecessary .
2 For a man who places himself resolutely against the suppression o questions Lord Todd 's juggling act with logic seem odd .
3 The fringing reef came into view as well : a ragged line of breakers , huge walls of spume and the ocean hurling itself relentlessly against the coral .
4 He wrote , ‘ Only a socialist Latin or Spanish America can pit itself effectively against plutocratic , imperialist North America .
5 By this pact Japan ranged herself firmly against the European nations with colonies in East and Southeast Asia .
6 She welcomed him into bed , pressing herself tight against him , running her fingers through is great leonine mane and sending him signals to say that she was ready to do her duty as a wife .
7 His voice caught in his throat as he turned to take hold of her and press her fiercely against his chest .
8 As the softly spoken syllables seemed to hover in the air around them with a soft moan he drew her fiercely against him , raining kisses on her face , making her shiver deliciously .
9 She simply spread her fingers across his back and drew him hard against her eager mouth , swollen and throbbing with a need she could n't disguise .
10 What better way to test the mettle of the new Calibra 16v than to pitch it directly against the class best , VW 's Corrado G60 ?
11 This man made geometry stands our starkly against the natural undulations of the terrain to form abstract patterns and relieve the monotony of impassive emptiness .
12 These muscles have the function of keeping us upright against the ever-present force of gravity ; they have the advantage of never tiring as they need to work for long periods at a time .
13 He pressed against her , and she could feel him hard against her .
14 His arms tightened around her , urging her fiercely against him , and her whole body became treacherously suppliant .
15 St Jovite 's trainer Jim Bolger was n't disappointed ; ‘ It was a super race and you must expect it hard against horses as good as this . ’
16 comes out first and then you see how the padding because this wadding is stitched onto the back , and the front is the bit you put against the wound and you put it straight against the would without
17 ‘ I do n't know , but it would appear that someone took an axe and drove it hard against the wall , with such force the stone was marked and the wooden handle of the axe shattered . ’
18 Those taking up headland set-aside could site it either against a footpath , or right away from areas where members of the public were likely to go .
19 You ca n't keep me here against my will ! ’
20 He saw how every little niggling thing old Andy had given him to do counted — how one developed his muscle , another his eye , a third his judgement of time and distance ; how each hour he spent working with the foremast hands taught him to know and understand them better against the day when such men as they were would look to him for guidance .
21 Cardiff threw himself backwards against the staircase wall , as the thing from the stairwell lunged backwards into the darkness , taking the flapping and gutted body of Peters with it , still fastened to its arm .
22 But he was so close , his other hand pulling her hard against his naked chest , his face so near to her own that it was difficult for her to breathe — so difficult that she had to open her mouth to draw in air only to find that he 'd taken advantage of the opportunity to deepen his kiss into one of familiarity .
23 In a single , swift movement he rose to his feet , and she gave a squawk of outraged protest as he planted both hands about her waist , pulling her hard against his body .
24 The heat smouldering between their bodies had intensified , and with a light-headed sensation she felt him crush her convulsively against the lean hardness of his hips , and felt the powerful stirrings of male arousal , triggering a small explosion of response inside her .
25 Then , squaring her shoulders , she lifted the knocker again and pounded it repeatedly against the door .
26 Admonished and instructed by turns , I occasionally had the tambourine snatched away from me by the Second Son , who would rap it sharply against the wheel .
27 The law gives him that right … you can not use it adversely against him .
28 He was at his most sincere when he argued for the South and defended it ferociously against the feebleness of Yankee and British snobberies and prejudice .
29 He beat James Warring for the title , defended it once against Uriah Grant and has reversed the only defeat in his 22-fight career .
30 Why do you keep us here against our will ?
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