Example sentences of "[verb] [pron] [adv] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , so Jan had these butties , she said oh I made them lovingly last night , tuna , mayonnaise and onion and er she said trust Viv to ring today like when I 'd made these butties !
2 ‘ I originally got them down first to 100 , then to 80 , but finance dictated that I select a smaller number .
3 I made my very first TV appearance at 12 in a six-part series on Alexander Graham Bell with Alec McCowen , Francesca Annis and Judy Geeson .
4 Canon Inc says it has new optical disk technology that could rival magnetic disks : its forthcoming 350Mb erasable magneto-optical drives will have an access time close to that of magnetic drives : it plans to launch them late next year at $1,000 for the drives and $30 to $40 for the optical disks .
5 Most City analysts do not expect to see a dividend paid before 1992 and the less optimistic believe Lowndes will have to refinance itself again next year .
6 A , a curtain is used to screen you off , and if it 's a very cold day we 've got infra-red heat we 've got a lamp above the he , the couch and we actually put on the infra-red heat so we warm you up first before you start , before we start so your body is feeling nice and warm and you 're feeling relaxed , we have nice music playing and it does help right , with the tension that builds up on the shoulders .
7 Mind you , he phoned you late last time .
8 He 'd picked her up first ? ’
9 I had picked her up first , before going to the salon .
10 ‘ It was the only way he could be sure of keeping him here next year , ’ muttered Glenda Grower to Penny Warlock .
11 Even her very first day was spent bent over her desk , scribbling and sketching furiously .
12 She 'd disliked him intensely last night .
13 I said I want to try it out first .
14 He thought about the plot for a year or two , but when he sat down to write it late last year , it came very quickly . ’
15 yeah , well we managed to work it out last week so if I can remember
16 Kenneth drove me here last Sunday after helping me to load the car with clothes , shoes , video recorder , sound equipment , books , photos , kettle , mug , hot-water-bottle ( never go anywhere without it ) and all the required paraphernalia of a season away from home .
17 If you can get them into combat they stand a good chance of winning , but you can guarantee the enemy will do his best to shoot them up first .
18 Adam it was who made up the fires of a morning , when his mistress , who slept only fitfully at night , was already awake , Adam who crept noiselessly about the place , unnoticed , who must have seen them together last night outside the ballroom .
19 Put them elsewhere next year and make sure they have plenty of organic matter to draw on .
20 Oh yes , my curtains have arrived — Heather just got them finished before going to Australia , and I put them up last week .
21 Gone away to the funny farm , yeah , they let me out last week .
22 I 'm pleased to be able to answer my very first oral question .
23 The management team 's concern for the highest standards of service and presentation were in full evidence on 18th December when ‘ Chapters ’ hosted its very first Christmas Lunch for employees of the publishing firm .
24 ‘ I 'll show you upstairs first , ’ said the woman .
25 Oh I mean , I think you put her on first actually
26 Rebecca 's Loud Blowsy Tart was the longest ‘ act ’ , so we dropped her off first at a wine bar near St Paul 's .
27 According to anti-trust lawyers , independent of both sides , most successful anti-trust cases involve market shares of over sixty five percent , Irving Sher who recently acted in another aviation anti-trust case says they often last three to five years and cost millions dollars .
28 Yeah , but he rung somebody yesterday , the chap 's asking to pick him up last rather
29 After about ten minutes of deliberation , Fabia could plainly see that there was only one place to start , and that was to put through a call to Lubor in the hope that Ven had phoned him too last night .
30 I told her off last week cos she was watching it !
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