Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Women recognize that some of their tears are tears of weakness , and these are the tears which come as an alternative to rage and anger or as a way of coping with their feelings of powerlessness .
2 Old finishes can be removed with a blow-lamp , hot air stripper , by sanding or with a solvent paint and the varnish remover .
3 In subsequent correspondence Technical Division were asked to confirm that the timing of the provision of the benefit to the non-resident or non-domiciled beneficiary was irrelevant , ie that it did not matter whether the income in question was paid to him in the year of assessment in which it arose or in a subsequent year , but Technical Division refused to confirm that this was the case on the grounds that the actual circumstances of particular cases tended to vary so widely that they felt unable to answer the question without more details .
5 The added advantage for parents is that they can listen to audio tapes in the car on their way to work or as a background while they are busy doing other things around the house .
6 In October 1991 it was disclosed that as a result of the Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) Options for Change report , Kemble and Hullavington would close .
7 The survey disclosed that in a three-week period , 309 vessels had passed through the firth and that 94 had refused to identify themselves .
8 It has been disclosed that within a short time of leaving Aberdeen Royal Infirmary yesterday where she stayed three nights and underwent an operation to remove a piece of fish lodged in her throat she was entertaining guests .
9 As for the borrowing lecture and the lecture on job creation , I have been able to state on a number of occasions when I have been a little more demotic that all independent forecast suggest that under a Labour Government — heaven forbid — borrowing and unemployment would be higher .
10 Estimates suggest that between a fifth and a quarter of children may spend some time in a one-parent family .
11 Critics of the JCT point to these compromises and suggest that as a result either the client or the contractor is at a disadvantage .
12 Robin adds that as a boy he saw both the Graf Zeppelin and R–101 , obviously an enthusiast from an early age .
13 Did you know that as a member of Convocation you may borrow books from the Clifford Whitworth University Library and have access to the Library 's collections ?
14 It needs to be stressed that in a thermal reactor the fuel is near to its most active state and there is no way in which the nuclear assembly can go supercritical and explode like a nuclear weapon ( Coggle , 1983 ) .
15 In 1963 , when he was already Leader of the Labour Party , Harold Wilson promised that under a Labour government there would be ‘ Grammar School education for all ’ , and few in the Labour Party wanted to be seen as the enemy of the grammar schools .
16 The problem of the prophecies was solved albeit in a way he had scarce expected .
17 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
18 The Paris show demonstrated that at a much lower level delightful drawings by well known names can still be bought at a fraction of the price of a painting by the same artist .
19 B may refuse to accept that as a repudiation by S. In that case B will be able to sue for damages for non-delivery if on December 1 S does not deliver .
20 In one sense , the Nonjurors were Jacobites by definition , since they refused to accept that as a result of the Revolution William and Mary were now rightful and lawful rulers instead of James .
21 and then when it 's got that and it 's got end on the bottom here , at the end of the stopping zone , you 've got to know that on a motorway
22 It would be a great relief to know that after a three week hospital stay , you 'd have £420 on top of your daily benefit of £840 , payable on your discharge .
23 However , you need also to know that in a very few cases , you can get a negative result even though you are infected .
24 When you get down to more detailed planning it is useful to know that in a standard European kitchen , base units are 600 mm ( 24 in ) deep ; wall units 300 mm ( 12 in ) deep ; most appliances are 600 mm ( 24 in ) wide ; Units come in widths of 300 , 500 , 600 , 1000 or 1200 mm ( 12 , 20 , 24 , 39 , or 48 in ) , counter tops are 900 mm ( 36in ) high , the bases of wall-hung cabinets 405 mm ( 16 in ) above that .
25 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
26 He 'd buy that from a cobbler 's shop , from a shoe repairer 's shop .
27 He described that as a substantial real-terms increase and a generous package of support .
28 You 'll have a chance to come back on whether we have got the wrong impression on that , I mean I recall Mr Heselton 's quite clearly , but let me pursue that at a stage further if if we take that as our impression of what you have said collectively , and you are asked to make provision for nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , again collectively in the Greater York area , and I 'm addressing this question to the districts , what provision would you make in your districts of your district figure in the Greater York area ?
29 The author recalls an able Treasury minister who , after resignation , became a convinced and cogent parliamentary reformer , explaining that as a minister he had had no time to work out this aspect of policy and therefore , since the Treasury was opposed to more specialist committees of the House of Commons , he used the brief they provided and he had been a formidable opponent of these reforms at the Cabinet Committee level .
30 Essentially the Post charged that in a 1984 report , Mike Hoover , a freelance news cameraman with a reputation for providing theatrical footage , recreated scenes of Afghan rebels sabotaging electricity pylons — days after the real action had taken place .
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