Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] they had " in BNC.

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1 We had Trimalchio 's feast to go on , described by Nero 's mate Petronius , so we had an idea of what they ate , and let me say that it was as much of a surprise to find they had sausages and black pudding as it was to find out they had concrete .
2 I found out they had a computer in the bottom of the building when I worked in the bank and it started off from that .
3 And then they decide , found out they had to put it in the fridge for twenty four hours , so there was I sitting there expecting a biscuit , I did n't get one .
4 She described how they had carried their water in those sheepskins , which they call jerbah .
5 Leitzig pointed to the rows of steel containers submerged in the water , and described how they had been transported to the plant in 100 tonne flasks with walls fourteen inches thick .
6 The bruises on the neck and face and legs of the widow and her children were still livid on the brown skin as they recounted how they had run a gauntlet of fists and kicks and curses of their neighbours .
7 She recounted how they had gone up to Master Allingham 's chamber and , finding the door locked , had ordered the workmen from the yard below to force the chamber .
8 Here you bought things at the door — fish , pies , cakes ; you did n't know where they had been !
9 Kate had been so busy looking around the room that she 'd rather forgotten why they had entered it in the first place .
10 everybody came in they had
11 Because you want the right size join what you put in they had n't got any , no more of these
12 When we first came here they had just bought it .
13 Erm When Pentecost Day came around they had all met in one room .
14 They were to remember how they had come : ‘ You must remember all that road by which the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness . ’
15 Then , like a shoal of fish moving within a net , Rose and the girls started to clear the table , to brush away crumbs , to wash , to dry , to return each thing to its own place , all done with a muted energy ; whispers , jokes , little scolding asides — ‘ No , that goes in the other place ’ or reminisce how they had made the same mistake before in order to soften any harshness in the scold , bending low in apologetic laughter .
16 ( d ) a number of respondents supported the idea of prohibiting solicitors from acting where they had a personal interest in a transaction , but not where the interest was that of a family member or employee .
17 Skates were tied on the wrong feet ; some boys were trying to remember when they had last changed their socks ; the smell was incredible .
18 Detectives announced yesterday they had uncovered a drug-making factory in London 's Highgate capable of producing a massive quantity of tablets .
19 Executive members of one of the party 's most active branches , Mossend , confirmed yesterday they had written to Mr Salmond asking him to stand down as a result of the MPs ' decision to strike a deal with the Conservatives in exchange for their votes on the Maastricht bill .
20 It turned out they had downclimbed , as it was easier than it seemed from above , but we did n't know that until later .
21 I knew men and women who wept bitter tears as they confronted how they had given their love , their time , their heart 's energy to a cause which they now saw as false .
22 Anthropology for Eliot did not remake the myths , but showed how they had , while becoming the possessions of high culture , transmitted and not entirely transmuted primitive origins .
23 I could not understand why they had been banished to this dusty attic .
24 Yet somehow the galleries were open again and doing a brisk trade , and publishers could not remember when they had sold so many books .
25 Yeah but do n't you remember when they had that erm erm semi-perforated edge on it ?
26 trainees in Leighbridge Do you remember when they had them
27 Little knots of people stood about eyeing each other with an air of wondering why they had come at all .
28 Neither Quasp nor Blast exist , although we 've heard that enough worried Mancs have been asking about their location , wondering why they had n't yet heard about them .
29 All over the country hurt and disillusioned journalists and would-be journalists wondering why they had never received a reply could only presume that they had been rejected .
30 When it launched a complete make-up range last autumn , it introduced ‘ Mirror Image Consultation ’ , a new way of selling which is so simple that all the other companies were left wondering why they had n't thought of it first .
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