Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing goes right for Walter ; his father dies early , soon followed by his mother , a rigid , religious woman , who treats the boy harshly but teaches him good conduct , to write and to hold down a job in a sweet factory where he is patronised by his superiors and ridiculed by his fellow workers .
2 ‘ The radio set can remain on for hours at a time ; you can enjoy it as background to reading , writing , homework , housework … .
3 These are extreme cases , but competition for business clients between travel companies is keen and the services laid on for business travellers are considerable and proclaimed through high pressure marketing .
4 There 's a racket goin' on , Aggie ; but you know as well as me it 's been goin' on for years .
5 One can say that Niki continued to drive on for McLaren in 1985 .
6 The show goes on for Swindon , that 's for sure .
7 After the deluge , life goes on for trout
8 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
9 The question is how do you break into the cycle and make that happen , and I think the answer is , as I said , in two ways — one by making teachers more aware during their period of initial training , either at college or at university or polytechnic , and secondly by looking very carefully at the amount and type of in-service training erm that goes on for teachers once they 've left college and are in the schools .
10 The street goes on for ages , but it 's pretty interesting .
11 No , I could tell you a really boring joke that goes on for ages .
12 The search now goes on for cancers over a wider area .
13 The transcript goes on for pages and pages , and not a single word was said about any of those increases being phased in .
14 The show always goes on for Shirley
15 And we only know that if it goes on for Monday afternoons for an hour , instead of
16 It sometimes cures itself , or sometimes goes on for years .
17 So the good life goes on for George .
18 With the residents , they applied successfully for finance through the Inner Area Programme to establish the Braunstone workshops on the estate .
19 In any case , Charles Henstock cared little for creature comforts , and had lived there for several years , alone , in appalling conditions of cold and discomfort , until his marriage to Dimity Dean , a few years before , had brought companionship and a slight mitigation of the hardship of his surroundings .
20 I do have a question and , and it has n't made , that has n't made it particularly clear as to where we are , you hinted that , and I think that was also seconded here that there might now be a post of some kind to carry on for instance the thing that I 'm particularly worried about is that there 's a sort of hiatus in the heartbeat awards , which I think would be a tragedy if that happened , and I want to be absolutely sure that that is , is n't so .
21 Then , she shared the prize for a novel , Wmffra , but this year wins outright for Tisio Tshipsan ? a novel aimed at the 9–12 age group , published at £2.50 by Gwasg Gomer .
22 At the outset he seems to have been on congenial terms with Palmerston , but their relationship went sour during Hall 's two-and-a-half years at the Office of Works : and almost from the date of Hall 's appointment , events started to go badly for Pennethorne .
23 Bring the soup to the boil , stirring from time to time , then simmer slowly for 45–60min , until the vegetables are soft and the lentils have cooked and thickened the soup .
24 Add sufficient water to cover the beans and simmer slowly for 45min , until the beans are just tender .
25 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
26 There is a view that is as old , probably , as the human race , and certainly as old as Homer and the ancient Greeks , that there is one ethical structure that represents right for men : a composite of manly virtues , such as courage , endurance , physical stamina , wiliness and political judgement , and a corresponding but complementary conception of what is right for women , womanly virtue being seen as a mixture of timidity , tenderness , compliance , docility , softness , innocence and domestic competence .
27 The hearings are likely to go on for months .
28 Today 's ‘ continuous ’ culture processes are designed to go on for months without completely emptying the fermenter .
29 And one man who seemed to go on for years was Cecil Dunford or " Slap " as he was known , an active man in all his pursuits in the village .
30 It seemed fitting for Thatcherism to end , not with a bang , but with the protracted whimper of a ‘ hung ’ parliament ; with the Tories struggling on for days trying to patch up some squalid deal with the Ulster Unionists , before Neil Kinnock and Paddy Ashdown were driven to 10 Downing Street in their Daimlers .
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